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不久前,巴特说,法国是唯一在非洲法语国家的主要参与者。Not long ago, Diabate says, France was the only major player in Francophone Africa.

尽管被称作北美洲法语人口的发源地,阿卡迪亚人移民到罗亚尔港却先于它。Although called the cradle of the Francophone population in North America, the Acadian settlement at Port-Royal antedates it.

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来自加拿大蒙特利尔法语高中8至12年纪的382名学生,参与了这一研究。Some 382 students, from grades 8 through 12, were recruited for the study from a Francophone high school in Montreal, Canada.

我不想要“德意志高于一切”,因为我是个亲英派,但我的法语风坏了,最近一阵不会再响。I don't want Deutschland über alles, because I'm an Anglophile, But my Francophone is broken, it won't be ringing for a while.

萨科齐总统访问的是三个讲法语的国家,包括刚果民主共和国、刚果共和国以及尼日尔。President Sarkozy is focusing on three francophone nations, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo and Niger.

法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.

法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。A French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.

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在瑙莱坞崛起之前,非洲法语国家摄制的电影,把持着这片大陆上的电影业。Until Nollywood's ascendance, movies made in Francophone Africa — with grants from the French government — dominated filmmaking on the continent.

比如法语社区政府,对本地区的法语教育负责,不管学校在这个国家的任何地区。The French community government, for example, is responsible for administering francophone education, no matter where in the country the school might be.

它使用援助去鼓励大学改革,特别是帮助非洲法语区重建它们的资格从而达到国际标准。It uses aid to encourage university reforms, specifically helping universities in Francophone Africa restructure their qualifications to meet international standards.

2003年11月11日,外交部长李肇星同来访的加蓬国务部长兼外交、合作和法语国家事务部长让·平举行了会谈。On November 11, 2003, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with Mr. Jean Ping, Minister of State, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Francophone of Gabon.

约堡和布鲁塞尔在这一地区属于轻量级的城市选手,两地都踊跃地试着向各自所在的大洲发挥影响力。But not with Francophone Africa, which is the sole domain of Paris. Johannesburg and Brussels are minor players, tentatively tentaculating into their respective continents.

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在六月的选举中,佛兰德独立党获得了最高的27个席位,法语社会民主党获得了26个席位,其实的10个政党获得了剩下的97个席位。In June's elections, the top vote-getting Flemish separatist party won 27 seats, the francophone social democrats won 26, and 10 other parties split the remaining 97 seats.

法语联盟的独特之处在于开展法语教学的同时培养学员对世界法语文化的兴趣。The originality of the Alliance Française lies in its missions, which consist in developing both French language teaching and a taste for Francophone cultures in the world.

中国认为,加拿大曾阻止魁北克独立,所以理所当然能够理解中国此一抗议,并且,认为加拿大接受达赖喇嘛访问是一件令人惊讶的事。In a strongly worded statement, the Chinese embassy in Ottawa pointedly compared the Tibetan issue with Canadas past struggle to prevent francophone Quebec province going it alone.

在这之后的几年,自由党在当时总理克雷蒂安的领导下,发费了大量的金钱用于广告,借以在这个法裔省份宣扬加拿大团结。In the following years, the Liberal government, under then prime minister Jean Chrétien, spent money on advertisements in the majority- francophone province promoting Canadian unity.

在联邦政府之下,还有三个区域性政府---讲荷兰语的佛兰德斯,讲法语的瓦洛尼亚,还有一个综合语言的布鲁塞尔。Beneath the federal government, there are three regional governments—one for Dutch-speaking Flanders, one for francophone Wallonia, and one for Brussels, which is linguistically integrated.

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遗憾的是,本地区的法语歌手很难维持生活,而魁北克省似乎能勉强接受来自省外加拿大法语歌手。Unfortunately, it's still difficult to earn a living as a French-speaking singer in the region, and Québec seems to embrace Canadian Francophone singers from outside the province grudgingly.

调查报告指出,这种合作经常以语言和历史为纽带,比如法语非洲籍科学家喜欢同法国的同行合作。The report notes that collaboration is often driven by linguistic or historical ties — scientists from Francophone Africa are especially likely to work with scientists in France, for example.