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三甘醇轨道的术后出血和CPB后是有用的指导治疗。The TEG tracks postoperative hemorrhage after CPB and is useful in guiding therapy.

装置进行TEG清洗后,提高了熔体品质,降低了排废量。After TEG cleaning, the melt quality was improved, the waste discharge capacity was reduced.

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研究了TEG流量及纯度、空气流量、RPB转子转速对脱水后空气露点的影响。Effects of TEG flow rate, purity of TEG, air flow rate, RPB rotary speed on dew point of wet air were investigated.

目前西南油气田已经建成并投产22座脱水站,主要采用三甘醇脱水技术对天然气进行脱水处理。Currently, SouthWest Oil & Gasfield Company has been put into 22 Dehydration stations, mainly using TEG dehydration.

结论与其他常规凝血指标比较,TEG是反映CKD患者高凝状态的一个更为敏感的指标。Conclusions TEG shows the hypercoagulability more sensitive than other conventional coagulation parameters in CKD patients.

TEG是一种为其他应用系统提供文本编辑功能的软件工具,将其理解为一种编辑器类型更为恰当。TEG is a kind of supper tool which provides text editing for other application system and it may be more exactly called as a editor type.

结果胸段硬膜外阻滞复合全麻组较单纯全麻组循环系统稳定,发生心肌缺血几率少。ResultsThe circulation system of the patients in TEG group is more reliable than that in SG group, and the tendency of myocardial ischemia is underestimated.

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具有相同的病理过程。表明血液流变与血栓弹力图在临床应用中可互相补充。The intrinsic relation suggests there is a identical pathological process results from COPD, and hemorheology and TEG may be complement in each other in clinical application.

用三甘醇清洗堵塞的POY装置熔体管道,分析了熔体管道堵塞的原因,详细介绍了清洗方法。The reason for plugging the spinneret was analyzed. The cleaning methods were also introduced in details. TEG was used for cleaning the melt distribution channels of POY device.

作为论文主要部分之一的实验研究部分,作者依照温差发电的基本原理设计并搭建了小温差下利用低品位热源发电的实验平台。As one of main parts, the thesis designs and builds experimental platform using the low-grade heat source of small temperature difference according to the basic principle of TEG.

介绍了TEG的工作原理、电性能、设计步骤、应用技术以及TEG与其它电源的经济技术对比。What more the paper introduced includes the work principle of TEG, electrical property, design steps, application and economical and technical comparison between TEG and the other power source.

TEG靠热电偶来工作,热电偶的冷却是利用铝制散热片散热,所以TEG的功率受环境温度的影响。At present, TEG is widely used all over the world. TEG works by thermocouple with aluminium cooling fan to cool the thermocouple, therefore, TEG's power is influenced by environmental temperature.

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原料天然气中硫化氢含量的增加,会导致三甘醇溶液的变质速率加快和装置的腐蚀性增加等问题,分别从材质的适应性、三甘醇溶液的变质情况和尾气达标排放等几个方面对三甘醇脱水装置进行了研究。As the content of H2S in the feed natural gas is increasing, which brings out problems that the deterioration rate of TEG solution is speeding up and the corrosion rate of the plant is aggravating.