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也可能症结是他拿不出赡养费。Possibly alimony was the stumbling-block.

赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。Alimony is like buy oats for a dead horse.

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我以为你爱面子不爱赡养费呢。I thought you were too proud take alimony.

我将要离婚了,该如何节衣缩食用来支付生活费呢?I’m going through a divorce. How is contemplating my navel going to help pay alimony?

在离婚后的妆奁与抚养费用上,妇女的合法权益一般得到了法院的保护。Women's rights to dowry and alimony after divorce were generally protected by the court.

追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的。Where the winning party in a case claiming alimony or costs of support or upbringing dies.

法院推翻了要求丈夫但从不要求妻子支付赡养费的一项州法。The Court struck down a state law under which husbands but never wives might be required to pay alimony.

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她的前夫刚刚与他的女友一同消失,这使得她变得既得不到生活费又得不到儿童赡养费。Her ex-husband just disappeared with his girlfriend, so she is getting neither alimony nor child support.

如凯特日后再婚或有不合宜的举止,赡养费将会减少,甚至全额删除。Kate in the future, such as remarriage or inappropriate behavior, alimony will be reduced, or even fully removed.

在德克萨斯的法律中,赡养费通常是最小限度和临时性的,尽管如此,要感谢老天,孩子的抚养是联邦的事。In Texas state law, alimony is usually minimal and temporary—though child support, thankfully, is a federal matter.

说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔扶养费。To say his wife has extramarital relationship with others can help him not to pay his wife a large amount of alimony.

糟糠下塘,领着一群儿女,要多少钱是应该的,可以的,这才叫赡养费。For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word alimony.

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他需要一些事情来恢复他的活力,并且并非偶然地需要一种能挣赡养费和孩子抚养费的方法。He needed something to renew his energies and, not incidentally, a means of making his alimony and child-support payments.

字典里所解释的赡养费就是肥胖,懒惰,一无是处,蜷缩在沙发上,吃零食看烹饪节目。Alimony should be in the dictionary for fat, lazy, good for nothing, lump on the couch, eaten ho hoes and watching cooking shows.

持H?1B签证的移民40%以上来自印度,而印度的法庭很少执行有关监护权和赡养费的法律。In India, which accounts for more than 40 percent of all H-1B-related immigration, courts rarely enforce custody or alimony laws.

蓝维尔在派对上说瓦立阿的财产有别人的一半,说芭丽想要一半财产做赡养费。Blue, the property of the said tile set up at the party there are half of the people, said barriss want half property for alimony.

但是,我们认为这是他使用的烟幕来掩盖他为了一个年轻女人而跟太太离婚的计划。说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔扶养费。But , we think it's nothing but a smoke screen for his plan to divorce her for a younger woman and save paying her a lot of alimony.

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现在案子已经提交给一个离婚法庭的法官,他将判决前同性恋州长将付给他不合的妻子的赡养费数额。It's now up to a divorce court judge to decide how much alimony the state's gay ex-governor Jim McGreevey owes his estranged wife Dina Matos.

专家及律师们指出,离婚律师已开始利用社交网站上的帖子为他们的当事人从出言轻率的配偶那里争取更高的赡养费。Divorce lawyers have used information in social-media posts to extract higher alimony payments from indiscreet spouses, experts and lawyers report.

提出以离婚后扶养费制度取代原有离婚经济帮助制度,完善我国的离婚救济制度。Proposed system after divorce alimony divorce financial assistance to replace the original system and improve the relief system of divorce in China.