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他摸了摸电报。He touched the telegram.

她们给咱们拍了电报。They send us a telegram.

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他们给我们拍了电报。They sent us a telegram.

这是一份加急电报。It is an urgent telegram.

我刚收到一份电报。I've just received a telegram.

拍那份电报花了多少钱?How much did the telegram cost?

他母亲给我看了那封电报。His mother showed me the telegram.

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你怎么理解这份电报的意思?What do you make of this telegram?

我想发一份急电。I want to send an express telegram.

请把这份电报作“急电”发出。The telegram was sent reply prepaid.

请问一下,我能在这发电报吗?Excuse me, can I send a telegram here?

我打电报通知了她这件事。I informed her of the fact by telegram.

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玛姬让萝拉看雪伦的电报。Marge lets Norah see Sharon' s telegram.

这封电报将把他截在巴黎。The telegram will intercep him at Paris.

拟份电报稿对我来说真不容易。I find it no easy job to word a telegram.

他只用了几分钟就把电报译成密码。He ciphered the telegram in a few minutes.

您想发什么样的电报?平电、急电还是书信电报?What kind of telegram do you want to send?

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请用印刷体书写电报。Please write your telegram in block letters.

他接到这封电报时并不心慌。He was not alarmed at receiving the telegram.

我想加急电报把它发出。I want to have it sent by an urgent telegram.