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这个法令保护公共土地的所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture.

但是,这也给那些经营非品牌产品的商家带来竞争优势。However, this gives competitive advantage to those who sell unbranded products.

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现实情况是,我们许多人可能不会选择一间没有品牌公司。The reality is, many of us may not have the option of staying in a company, unbranded.

如果你真想让你的行李显露你的时尚品位,那么你需要你一个上面没有印商标的皮革手提旅行袋。If you really want your luggage to say you are stylish, then you need an unbranded minimal leather holdall.

所有“正规”银行广告宣传的最主要部分都在于吸引尚未开户的顾客。By far the major part of all " normal" bank advertising appears to be deployed against the unbranded prospect.

而会有一款12寸、称为CR-48的开发机,供开发者购买。An unbranded 12-inch reference machine called Cr-48 will be available for developers -- read more about that here.

这些细节可以包括换一台不同的手机或有线电视供应商,再或者购买一般牌子的早餐麦片。This can include switching over to a different cell phone or cable service provider or buying unbranded breakfast cereal.

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其逻辑是,“无品牌”香烟不那么吸引年轻人,否则他们可能视其为一种时尚或反叛的声明。The logic is that "unbranded" cigarettes are less appealing to the young who might otherwise see them as a statement of fashion or rebellion.

在马来西亚,该BGP001车采用相同的维珍品牌在墨尔本的一个星期前,而团队服装和司机工作服仍然没有品牌。In Malaysia, the BGP001 cars are featuring the same Virgin branding as in Melbourne a week ago, while team clothing and driver overalls remain unbranded.

我期待的促销手袋,无论是聚氯乙烯,塑料制品,手工布,在不同风格和形状。定价约为5美元,手袋,也杂货店零件箱。I am looking for unbranded handbags, either pvc, plastic, handmade cloth, in various styles and shapes. Pricing around 5 usd per handbag, also grocery totes.

目前,印度每个月从中国进口的“山寨机”大约有80万部,大多没有IMEI码,因此这项禁令使许多中国厂商大受影响。The ban may hit a number of Chinese manufacturers, as about 800000 cheap unbranded handsets, mostly without the IMEI number, are being imported from China every month.

然而,一提到云南人们总会与健康产品等字眼联系起来,但经验丰富的顾客建议在购买这些“三无”产品之前还是要三思而后行。However, linking Yunnan with healthy products is a habitual practice and some experienced customers advise that one should think twice before buying these unbranded products.

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几年来,消费者开始减少消费,购买价格更加低廉,无品牌的食品。这一趋势由于经济衰退而愈演愈烈,导致大品牌的价值悄然缩水。Consumers have been trading down to cheaper, unbranded foods in recent years, a trend that accelerated in the recession, potentially undermining the value of owning big brands.

然而,一提到云南人们总会与健康产品等字眼联系起来,但经验丰富的顾客建议在购买这些些“三无”产品之前还是要三思而后行。However, , linking Yunnan with healthy products is a habitual practice and some experienced customers advise that one should think twice before buying these unbranded products.

我们是一个贸易公司的长期业务,目前已登记在枫树,加拿大。我们在处理中高档衣服,为北美和欧洲市场。我们卖品牌和主打产品。We are a trading company long time in business and now registered in Maple, Canada. We deal in high end clothings for north american and europe market. We sell brand and unbranded product.

在全球贸易规定中,强制性许可证是被允许的。这种做法就能让巴西政府以四分之一的市场价格向进口与同种药品一致却没有商标的货,并仅象征性地给美科公司支付一定的专利权税。Compulsory licensing, which is permitted under world-trade rules, will allow Brazil to import unbranded copies of the drug at a quarter of the current price while paying Merck a nominal royalty.