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在制定计划上不要吝惜时间,多想一想好。Don't stint on time to make a plan.

尚希不吝指教。We hope that you will not stint your criticism.

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他在2004年从雷丁来到切尔西,在那里度过了接下来的四年。He left Reading in 2004 for a four-year stint at Chelsea.

目前,在Adobe短暂工作一段时间之后,詹姆斯决定从头再来。Now, after a brief stint working for Adobe, he's starting anew.

在从政之前,盖茨曾当过大学校长。He came back into government from a stint as a university president.

托德在一所大专学校定时听课,学习了数据处理。Todd learned data processing by doing a short stint at a junior college.

他曾经服役,包括在野战炮部队呆过4年。He had been in the service, including a four-year stint in field artillery.

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如果我再跟你一起跳舞,就不能纺完我的纱,我母亲会责怪我的。If I dance with you I cannot spin my stint and then my mother will scold me.

在他先前的短暂服刑期间,周正毅享受了很多特权。During his previous, shorter stint in prison, Mr. Zhou enjoyed many privileges.

在微软的新搜索引擎“Bing”被屏蔽后,他最近加入了Rovio公司。He recently joined Rovio after a stint at Microsoft Corp.'s Bing search engine.

为了自己的政治需要,他们不惜将中国“妖魔化”。For their own politics demands, they are not stint to make China "Demonization".

京都附近琵琶湖,宫本义明早上出海钓到一条鳗鱼。Yoshiaki Miyamoto hooked just one eel on his morning stint on Lake Biwa, near Kyoto.

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在阿纳赫姆逗留了一段时间,我们最终定居亚利桑那,但我们身无分文。After a brief stint in Anahiem we finally settled in Arizona– and we were flat broke.

上个赛季,拥有詹姆斯的骑士队在短暂的季候赛中场均被其他球队拿下98.9分。LeBron's Cavaliers allowed 98.9 points per game in their short playoff stint last year.

我在一个星期后抵达莫斯科,开始为时三年的驻俄罗斯记者生涯。I arrived in Moscow a week later, beginning a three-year stint as a Russia correspondent.

有人猜测他在克林姆林宫的任期将会十分短暂,而他的演说对消除这种猜测也几乎没有起到任何作用。His speech will do little to crush speculation that his stint in the Kremlin will be brief.

姚明在休斯顿的出现大大提升了篮球以及NBA在中国的知名度。Yao's stint with the Rockets has boosted the popularity of basketball and the NBA in China.

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1994年,西尔维奥。贝卢斯科尼初任总理之时,我们就呼吁让他辞职。In 1994, during Silvio Berlusconi's first brief stint in the job, we called on him to resign.

会飞的航空母舰在战时大众的集体想象中维持了很短的时间。Flying aircraft carriers had a brief stint in the collective imagination of a wartime populace.

在他1999年首次当选日本民主党党魁后的三年任期内,有人批评他优柔寡断。In his first, three-year stint as DPJ leader from 1999, he was criticised for being indecisive.