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我正式皈依。I'm officially a convert.

我现在正式是一名博主。I’m officially a ProBlogger now.

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事实上,我的国籍是新西兰。I am from New Zealand officially.

这周五,我们会正式开始。That will officially start this Friday.

这是一个法定的无神论国家。This was an officially atheistic state.

正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。When she was officially signed Dolores.

丧尸正式成为新版吸血鬼。Zombies are officially the new vampires.

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罗兰德。伯瑞斯正式就任联邦参议员。Roland Burris is officially a US senator.

大型的医疗改革已经箭在弦上,正式提上议事日程。The big health care push is officially on.

随着一声令下,比赛正式开始了。With the order, the game officially began.

现在它是一个正式的非注册软件。It is now officially unmaintained software.

1887年,官方正式将其列为街道。It was officially declared a street in 1887.

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按公事说,我是不该到这里来的。E. g. I'm not officially supposed to be here.

2000年中非合作论坛正式成立。The FOCAC was officially established in 2000.

王国官方禁令无神论者的进入。The kingdom officially bans entry to atheists.

两个现有域正式被弃用Two existing domains are officially deprecated

Rowghani将在3月份正式加入Twitter。Rowghani will join Twitter officially in March.

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深圳大运村正是开村。Universiade Village officially opens in Shenzhen.

上面这些仅仅是记录在案的那一部分。And those are just the officially documented ones.

圣马力诺在第二次世界大战中正式宣布中立。San Marino was officially neutral in World War II.