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这是他回应的镇压1798年的外国人及煽动叛乱的行为。It was his response to the repressive 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts.

先生们,议员被指责在亚美利加进行煽动。Gentlemen, sir, have been charged with giving birth to sedition in America.

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这巴拉巴是因在城里作乱杀人下在监里的。Who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison.

二百多名示威者被杀害了,而金先生以煽动暴乱的指控被判处死刑。More than 200 protesters were killed, and Mr. Kim was sentenced to death on sedition charges.

当埃及发生叛乱时,他曾派人向罗马求助出兵平乱。So when third sedition occurred in his kingdom in three years, he sent help to Rome to aid him in suppressing it.

乔伊从家中搬走的叛逆行为令人吃惊不小,也无异于在帕蒂心口捅了一刀,帕蒂亦由此开始撤离了她在拉姆齐山的生活。The move was a stunning act of sedition and a dagger to Patty’s heart—the beginning of the end of her life in Ramsey Hill.

他曾经为前军人政权下被指控煽动叛乱的学生辩护,打造了自己作为一位人权律师的声誉。He forged a reputation as a human right lawyer, defending students accused of sedition under previous military-backed administrations.

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你一般都负责处理叛国、恐怖主义和暴动这样的阴谋——这些阴谋的代价是“火线队”致其于死地。You're being formally charged with conspiracy to commit treason, terrorism and sedition – the penalty for which is death by firing squad.

很多人认为那个笼统却又措辞模糊的23条禁止任何煽动行为或言论的法令会对香港开放的社会造成威胁。Many thought the sweeping but vague language banning sedition in the so-called“Article 23” legislation a threat to Hong Kong’s open society.

他娶了妻子,抛弃了遍布着骚乱的无常道路,转而投向平和而庸常的途径,那无数次被人踩踏过去的途径。He took a wife and abandoned the chechered path of endless sedition in favor of smoother, more prosaic routes, countless times more traveled.

马来西亚反对党的主要领导人被控对霹雳州苏丹发表侮辱性的言论。Karpal Singh, a leading opposition politician in Malaysia, was charged with sedition for an alleged Insult directed at the sultan of Perak state.

多数基督徒都会同意,直接导致基督以煽动叛乱罪名被抓的事件是他在圣殿的冲突。Most Christians would agree that the immediate event that led to Christ's arrest under the charge of sedition was his confrontation at the Temple.

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也通过了外国势力煽动叛乱法案,这也外国间谍畏惧而远离美国并且也粉碎了共和国破坏者的袭击行为。It also passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, intended to frighten foreign agents out of the country and to stifle the attacks of Republican editors.

其立法目的旨在保障戒严时期不当叛乱暨匪谍审判案件之受裁判者,于解严后能获补偿或救济。The statute is enacted with the goal of compensating those convicted of sedition and communist espionage but incapable of obtaining compensation or relief.

耶稣被古犹太最高评议会兼最高法院控告为亵渎,自称为犹太人的国王和煽动暴乱之罪而被移交到罗马当局处决。Jesus was condemned for blasphemy by the Sanhedrin and turned over to the Romans for execution, on the charge of sedition for claiming to be King of the Jews.

我们查出这人实在是个危险人物。他鼓动天下的一切犹太人作乱,又是纳匝肋教派的魁首。We have found this to be a pestilent man, and raising seditions among all the Jews throughout the world, and author of the sedition of the sect of the Nazarenes.

在卡塔尔半岛电视台的采访中,科罗姆警告危地马拉人“小心别越界,”又补充说,“公开指控总统谋杀就是煽动叛乱。”In an interview on Al Jazeera, Colom warned Guatemalans to “be careful of crossing the line,” and added, “Accusing a President of murder publicly could be sedition.

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同一年,在又有一起煽动案被提交法院审理时,多数法官运用"明显而现实的危险"的标准,确立被告犯有煽动诽谤罪。When another sedition case came before the Court later that year, a majority used the clear-and-present-danger test to find the defendants guilty of seditious libel.

而警察国家的建立以及殖民保安法的形成,使所谓公共利益与国家利益与实际民族公众形成对立。It is facilitated by the creation of a police state and the use of colonial sedition laws which define defense of the public interest and national interest as anti-national.

虽然哈梅内伊从未指名批评他或穆萨维,但总是称其为“煽动叛乱的领导人”,这个称号现在经常用来形容反对派领导人。Ayatollah Khamenei has never attacked him or Mousavi by name, but always referred to them as "leaders of sedition", a term now now routinely used to describe opposition leaders.