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抒解我的烦恼。Ease my troubles.

他过着安逸的生活。He is rolling in ease.

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把那根缆绳放松一点。Ease off that rope a bit.

我们如何能够改善通勤之旅呢?How can we ease commutes?

我们现在是优哉游哉。We are now taking our ease.

这对老夫妻生活得很富裕。The old couple live at ease.

王在在镐、岂乐饮酒。Drinking , happy and at ease.

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他毫不费力地跳过了那堵墙。He jumped the wall with ease.

金和铁易于合铸。Gold and iron alloy with ease.

放慢点,你们走得太快啦!Ease up, you're going too fast!

有没有哪里觉得不舒坦?Have where to feel not at ease?

我是一个闲不住的人。I am not a man who enjoys ease.

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这样就会让说谎者放松。This will make the liar at ease.

好了你先安心的养病。Well you at ease and recuperate.

易用性将你震惊。The ease of use will astound you.

我会帮忙的,如果这样做有助于她的工作的话。I'll help if it will ease her job.

他跟弗兰克在一起总是感到很不自在。Hewas never at his ease with Frank.

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他轻松地发表完了演说。He brought off his speech with ease.

他跟弗兰克在一起总是感到很不自在。He was never at his ease with Frank.

她一下子就翻了一个跟头。She performed a somersault with ease.