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这本书是最近刚出版的。Came out recently.

所做的那样。Feder recently did.

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直到最近才想过。Not until recently.

他最近很见老。He's aged a lot recently.

最近我们去了趟中国。We went to China recently.

最近,我有一种顿悟。I had an epiphany recently.

她最近添了个女孩儿。She recently had a daughter.

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我也是直到最近才知道。Neither did I until recently.

她最近做了打胎。She had an abortion recently.

我最近还看到了一个。Isaw a new one quite recently.

最近开始死人了。Recently people started dying.

他的工作最近不如以前。His work has gone off recently.

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他最近总是委靡不振。He has been dispirited recently.

你最近在关注什么?P15 What are you up to recently?

最近寄来的只有一封。Only one other had recently come.

然而这个实验在富勒姆的最近一场比赛中失败了。Yet it failed at Fulham recently.

但最近斗气有所下降。But I recently dropped the grudge.

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刚刚来到我们学校任职。He has recently arrived on campus.

他们近来对我们太势利了。He is too upstage for us recently.

我最近表现怎么样?How about my performance recently?