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我是个追求刺激的人,一个冒险家。I'm a thrill-seeker. An adventurer.

同时他也是一位轻率鲁莽而运气十足的冒险家。He was also a reckless adventurer who got lucky.

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像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的!No adventurer of this type ever came to a good end!

冒险者对危险和困苦毫不在意。The adventurer recked little of the danger and hardships.

早晨,几乎是每一个工作日的早晨,都是这样的匆忙。My Little Pirate is a story for the adventurer in all of us.

在这里,普斯是一位亡命之徒,一位世界闻名的探险家。The Puss here is a swashbuckler, a world-renowned adventurer.

我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

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伦纳德乌特勒姆谁是英国探险家在非洲正在寻求他的财富。Leonard Outram is a British adventurer who is in Africa seeking his fortune.

这位冒险家在晚上十二点钟,冒着摄氏零下30度的严寒出发了。The adventurer started out at midnight in a temperature of. 30'C below zero.

这位飞行冒险家曾多次打破独自乘热气球环游地球的纪录。The aviation adventurer broke records for circling the globe alone in a balloon.

这位探险家在这一年多的旅途时间里和蛇,蝎子以及野狗打“交道”。The adventurer had spent nearly two years dealing with snakes, scorpions and wild dogs.

生死一线间,各怀鬼胎的野心家能否回头是岸?A glimmer of of life and death, the adventurer of each bosom evil plot can repentance is salvation?

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科尔特斯,这种褐色带有特殊苦味和香气的液体使冒险家为之震惊。Cortes , this brown, with special bitterness and aroma of the liquid so that adventurer was shocked.

会飞的猫,传说是探险家柯普斯维特发现的动物之一。A flying cat is among the creatures purportedly discovered by Victorian adventurer Professor Copperthwaite.

欢迎你,冒险家。我现在跟你讲打猎的事。我们先打开猎边盘,就从这里开始。Ah, Welcome, adventurer. I'm here to tell you all about quests. Let's start by opening the quest side panel.

在加州的调查者们说从新发现的残骸判断,很明显探险家史蒂夫福塞特已经去世。Investigators in California say it's clear from newly-found wreckage that adventurer Steve Fossett died instantly.

如同骑士一般,冒险者会经历著各段的遭遇,通常包括有财富、罗曼史或战斗。Like the knight, the adventurer roams through episodic encounters, usually involving wealth, romance, or fighting.

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Cang把中国的企业家分为两类,一种是疾步飞驰,寻求刺激的冒险主义者。Cang categorizes Chinese entrepreneurs into two types. One is the adventurer who moves fast and likes taking risks.

瑞典文学院认为,克莱齐奥是一位能用其作品引领人类超越现有文明和追随根源的探险家。The Nobel Academy praised Le Clezio an adventurer whose works can lead human beings to exceed current civilization.

自然保护主义者和冒险家里克里奇韦和摄影师乔里斯已经开始记录“今年的迁移”。Conservationist and adventurer Rick Ridgeway and photographer Joe Riis have set out to document "This Year's Migration".