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一个对你有位辞书琐事。A bit of lexicographical trivia for you there.

其他三个标准为适用性、明性和规范性。Being usable, concise and standard is the other three criteria for good lexicographical translation.

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第三部分主要研究双圈图的谱矩的基本性质和谱矩序列排列的一些规律性结论。Section Three provides the mainly results on the spectral moment of bicycle graphs and its lexicographical order.

如果两个元素本身就是同样类型的序列,就递归字典序比较。If two items to be compared are themselves sequences of the same type, the lexicographical comparison is carried out recursively.

古汉语专书同义词研究有助于大型语文辞书的修订。Research on the synonyms of the ancient Chinese in the Special book helps to revise the large-scale Chinese lexicographical work.

在用一个序数索引的那些全序集合的笛卡尔积的一个集合上的词典序自身是全序。The lexicographical order on the Cartesian product of a set of totally ordered sets indexed by an ordinal, is itself a total order.

给予“定义”的目的是按照词典编纂惯例为常用术语或短语提供一种“描述性”的解释。The objective of the "definition" is to provide a "descriptive" explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage.

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字典序比较关系检查两个序列中的对应元素,并基于第一个不相等的元素对确定比较关系。Lexicographical comparison examines corresponding elements in two sequences and determines the comparison based on the first unequal pair of elements.

因此本文研究对双语词典编纂研究特别是汉英双语词典的编纂具有理论和现实意义。Therefore, the research is of both theoretical and practical significance in bilingual lexicographical study, especially C-E general dictionary compilation.

他去了一次在芝加哥召开的辞典学专业会议,会上他被当成行内人士。He attends a lexicographical congress in Chicago, where he is misunderstood by his colleagues, and returns to the Hunter library basement with renewed vigor.

该例中的注释为记录定义提供了明确的引用。The annotations in this example provide unequivocal reference to definitions of records. You can go right to the cited WordNet page to find the lexicographical definitions

第二部分我们给出了本论文所涉及的基本概念,研究了图的改变与谱矩序列排列之间的关系。Section two is about some concepts and lemmas involved as follows . section three provides the mainly results on the spectral moment of bicycle graphs and its lexicographical order.

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为汉语人群学习满语而编纂的满汉合璧字辞书通行于清代.并被多次刻印,形成诸多版本。During the whole Qing dynasty, after being printed many times, lexicographical books compiled for Chinese people to learn Manchu language with both Manchu and Chinese have many versions.

告诉你一件事情,我没有什么纂字哨子,尽管大家认为我的工作是让所谓的好词做一个有难度的左转拐入字典,而把所谓的坏词拒之门外。Just to let you know, I do not have a lexicographical whistle. But people think that my job is to let the good words make that difficult left hand turn into the dictionary, and keep the bad words out.