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不要让猜忌毁了一段好姻缘。Don't let suspicion louse up a good marriage.

小虱子跌进蛋壳,烧伤了自己。Then the little louse fell in and burnt herself.

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于是,他拿起一支箭,向虱子射去。Thereupon, he took an arrow and shot at the louse.

流行性斑疹伤寒是由体虱在人与人之间传播的。Epidemic typhus is passed from human to human by the body louse.

木匠用螺丝钉把桌子上松动的木榫头固定。The carpenter up the joints of the table which had become louse.

这些病毒来自于桃子和土豆上的一种寄生虫。The virus came to the tulip from a louse living on peaches and potatoes.

纪昌回到家里,用根牛尾毛将一只虱子吊在窗户上。Ji Chang returned home and hung a louse on the window with an ox tail hair.

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一只虱子和一只跳蚤住在一起,它们还一同在蛋壳里酿酒。A louse and a flea kept house together and were brewing beer in an egg-shell.

本品能快速杀灭犬、猫体表各种寄生虫及虫卵,如虱子、跳蚤、吸血蜱、疥螨等。It can kill all kinds of epizoic parasites and their eggs, such as louse , flea, midge.

如果体虱数量严重增加,那么就需要受过适当训练的人员采取迅速行动。If there is a serious increase in body louse infestation, quick action is required by properly trained personnel.

鸿渐大有英国约翰生博士不屑分别臭虫和跳虱的等级的意思。Hung-chien was of a mind with Dr. Johnson of England in not distinguishing between the rank of a louse and a flea.

一箭就射中了虱子的中心,而那根牛尾毛没有被射到,依然好好地挂在窗户上。He hit the center of the louse with one single shot, while the ox tailhair was untouched and still hanging on the window.

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虱吸血还可传播各种流行病,体虱被认为是传播流行性斑疹伤寒、回归热和战壕热的主要媒介。The bloodsucking louse also transmits various commutable diseases such as endemic typhus, trench fever and relapsing fever.

“我爱你直到永远,”他在他们周年纪念那天写到,“即使在我临死的时候,这也将是我的遗言。”“I am wild about you forever, ” he wrote on their anniversary, signing the letter Zerile the Louse. “Those are my dying words.”

纪昌苦练三年,终于能将悬挂在窗子上的狮子看成车轮般大。Ji Chang practiced diligently 2 for three years, and finally a louse hanging on the window seemed to be as big as a wheel to him.

虽然在人类中阴虱通常通过性行为传播,但大猩猩虱子的传染不排除其他途径。Among people, the pubic louse is usually spread by sexual contact, but the gorilla louse could have been contracted in some other way.

在卫生条件较为落后的中国古代,人体寄生虫虱子干扰人的正常生活,是常见的情形。In ancient China with a lower hygienic standard, it is very common that peoples daily life is disturbed by the body parasite of louse.

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头虱是一种寄生于头发上的细小昆虫,有时亦会在眼眉或胡须间出现。The head louse pediculus humanus capitis is a tiny insect which lives on the hair. Occasionally it is also seen in the eyebrows or beard.

这种适应特征非常精准,如果虱子的宿主物种进化成为一种新的物种,虱子也会进化成不同的物种。The adaptation is so precise that when a louse’s host species evolves into a new one, the louse will diversify into different species, too.

由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随。Epidemic typhus spread by the body louse is the most severe. it is one of the great scourges of history associated with crowded filthy conditions.