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别的颜色呢?Any other color?

你们相亲相爱吧。Love each other.

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其他的小抱怨呢?Any other gripes?

好了,还有几件事儿。OK. Other things.

另一个地方。Your other cheek.

有别的症状吗?Any other symptom?

我做了别的安排。I made other plans.

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我坐在另一把椅子上。I sat on the other.

开启另一只眼。Open the other one.

其他合法收入。Other legal income.

向对方唱情歌。Sing to each other.

另一只是白色的。The other is white.

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他们互相拥抱。They hug each other.

但是另一个还是单身的。The other was single.

没别的路了。There's no other way.

我们互相帮助。We helped each other.

我们互相点头致意。We nod to each other.

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对,别的孩子。Well, other children.

问问别的乞丐吧。Ask the other beggars.

你们相互认识吗?Do you know ech other?