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那狗把骨头埋藏了。The dog is burying a bone.

我爸爸在埋葬死狗。My father is burying a dead dog.

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他把一切埋葬起来,不留痕迹。He's burying it and leaving no trace.

在埋进土里前剥掉树枝上的一些树皮。Remove some bark from the branch before burying.

诺埃尔转过身,把头埋在枕头底下。Noel turned away, burying his face in the pillow.

web不像是把存档埋藏地更深。It's not like the web is burying the archive any deeper.

现在难道没有埋葬或火葬体的地方?Are there now no places for burying or cremating corpses?

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埋葬你的头埋在沙是最糟的,你可以做。Burying your head in the sand is the worst thing you can do.

这就是为什么文兹克建议至少埋4英尺深。That’s why Venzke advises burying it at least four feet deep.

这次教训告诉他们,封锁坏消息并不总是明智的。This taught them that burying bad news is not always sensible.

后来,土耳其入侵者将这里变为墓地。Later the Turkish invaders turned casemates into burying places.

你这样做简直就是在做旧制度的殉葬品。What you are doing is burying yourself alive with the old system.

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我记得年轻时在法国埋了我的玩具剑。I remember playing as a lad in France burying my little toy saber.

这种烹饪法是将食物埋于地底,放在烧热的石块之下。This method is done by burying food in the ground under hot stones.

吉尔伯特紧紧抓住父亲,不肯松手,并且将头埋进父亲那厚厚的海军羊绒外套。Gilbert hung on tight, burying his head in Dad's thick, wool Navy coat.

你也许很想揍他一顿,然后把他埋得深如一块基石,但还得别那样。You may feel like beating him and burying him as deep as bedrock, but don't.

美国一对埋葬甲虫准备埋葬鲍勃怀特鹌鹑尸体。A pair of American burying beetles prepares to bury a bobwhite quail carcass.

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我们还没听见那为上帝掘墓者的喧闹么?Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God?

一位妇人写信告诉我,她将她的手提包和中跟鞋和她的祖母葬在一起。One woman wrote about burying her grandmother with her handbag and kitten heels.

起初,天气乍凉的时候,这种两栖动物将自己埋在土壤里。At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.