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她的脸被粉扑的很白。Her face was powdered white.

树叶上积满灰尘。The leaves are powdered with dust.

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该油漆以粉制品形式出售。The paint is sold in powdered form.

她给洗过澡的婴儿抹爽身粉。She powdered the baby after its bath.

硝酸铵加铝粉。Ammonium nitrate and powdered aluminum.

罐头、粉状或浓缩果汁Juices--canned, powdered or crystallized

如果需要,还可以撒上糖粉。Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.

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他们给它抹上粉,防止进一步破坏。They powdered it to prevent further harm.

地上薄薄地铺了一层雪。The ground was lightly powdered with snow.

干莱姆也可呈粉末状。Dried limes are also used in a powdered form.

他用碾磨机把谷物磨成面粉。In the flour mill, wheat grains are powdered.

她去参加晚宴前往脸上搽了粉。She powdered her face before going to dinner.

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我们在里程表的电线上找到糖粉。We found powdered sugar on the odometer cable.

天青石制成的蓝色颜料。A blue pigment made from powdered lapis lazuli.

因此我们要用到粉末状的焦亚硫酸钠。For that, we use powdered sodium metabisulfite.

这个纸口袋里装的全是药面子。The paper bag is filled with powdered medicine.

丁村人把加工成粉末状的谷物都称之为面。Local people call the powdered cereals as flour.

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对付瓦螨可以用细糖粉。To kill varroa mites, you can use powdered sugar.

他往小饼上撒糖粉。He powdered the cookies with confectioners' sugar.

为什么没给我们奶粉和土豆?Why didn't we get the powdered milk and the spuds?