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而其余的都是无用的东西。The rest is dross.

他们都是炉中的铜,锡,铁,铅,都是银渣滓。They are but the dross of silver.

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金属镁废渣中含有52。Metal magnesium dross contains 52.

祂注意我们所不留意的渣滓And He watched the dross that we had not seen

但是要找这样的贴子越来越像沙里淘金,难上加难。But such posts increasingly look like gems among dross.

他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念。He was wide-awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross.

那些被挑剩下的学生才会去修习包括法律和教育在内的人文专业。The humanities, including law and education, are left with the dross.

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撇渣过频或操作不当会使浮渣损失很大。Frequent skimming or improper skimming can cause a much higher dross loss.

对于这样的作品,我们不妨取其精华,去其糟粕。For those works, we might discard the dross and select the essence as well.

卡罗琳辨别出了真金的价值,知道那种炫耀的铁渣只有迷惑人的外表。Caroline felt the value of the true ore, and knew the deception of the flashy dross.

因为书籍里面,有香花也有毒草,有精华也有糟粕。Because the book inside, has fragrant flowers are poisonous weeds, essence and dross.

对酒糟与棉籽壳不同比例的配方栽培平菇进行了初步探索。Preliminary exploration of different ratios of wine dross and cottonseed hulls is made.

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除去银子的渣滓,就有银子出来,银匠能以作器皿。Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.

总之,社交网络也成功地起到了剔除糟粕,突出精华的作用。By and large it also acts to successfully filter out the dross and bring the cream to the top.

猪蛋发现捡渣滓不如收渣滓赚钱,于是他开端挨家挨户的去收渣滓。Pig eggs found pick dross as dross to make money, so he start going door-to-door to collect trash.

世界上并没有十全十美的东西,比如世界名著,也有消极的思想等糟粕。The world's not perfect things, such as world famous as well as negative thinking, and other dross.

锡渣还原机专为锡渣量少的客户设计,手动搅拌杆操作简单。This product is designed for customers with low Dross design, easy to operate manually stirring rod.

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韩剧中好的东西还是有的,不能“一竿子打翻一船人”,必竟我们要做的是“取其精华,弃其糟粕”。There are lots of good things in Korean films,what we can do is discard the dross and select the essence.

通过对钢渣的改性,大大提高了钢渣处理亚甲基蓝染料废水的能力。Through modification, the steel dross can treat the wastewater from the methylene blue dye more effectively.

他那三张伟大的专辑会随着电子传媒的继续存在而存在,同时那些糟粕的东西将会被世人遗忘。His three great albums will last as long as electronic media continues to exist, while the dross is forgotten.