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我爸爸偶尔会到他的共济会分会那里去。My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge.

通过对共济会成员的研究,我们可以推断出共济会的神的本质。We can deduce the nature of the Masonic god by a study of Freemasons.

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他是一个肌肉发达,身上布满纹身的阉人,正苦寻一座神秘的共济会金字塔。He`s a muscled, tattooed eunuch who`s looking for a hidden Masonic pyramid.

鼓起最后的勇气,兰登向共济会图书馆走去。Mustering the last of his energy, Langdon made his way to the Masonic library.

“例如”他说,“劳伦斯的一座共济会教堂——现在变成了一个酒吧。"For example, " he said, "in Lawrence there's a Masonic temple—it is now a bar.

一直基础上所有雍仁的历史调查,已建成,…Has been the foundation on which all masonic historical investigations have been built,.

织成布的这个古老的城市,是一个共济会的历史的今天,我们仍正在取得进展。Woven into the fabric of this ancient city is a Masonic history that's still being made.

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此外,在所有国家,这是几乎完全是石匠和他们的家人认为,利润由共济会的慈善机构。Moreover, in all countries it is almost exclusively Masons and their families that profit by Masonic charity.

现在他们把这座建筑重新命名为皇家共济会学院,或者是皇家康诺特学院。They have now repeated the trick with the Royal Masonic School – or Royal Connaught Park, to give it its new name.

他于是日日夜夜迫使他自己致力于钻研共济会的作品,希望驱逐逼近的魔鬼。And for days and nights together he forced himself to work at masonic labours , hoping to keep off the evil spirit.

他也是奥斯陆共济会组织的成员,曾在网上发布过自己在共济会实习的照片。He was also a member of Oslo's Masonic lodge and posted pictures of himself on the internet in the masonic regalia.

明尼苏达大学共济会癌症中心斯蒂芬。黑茨认为这可能是一种过度反应。Stephen Hecht at the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota thinks that this could be an overreaction.

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后来,海顿与莫扎特共同成为维也纳共济会团体的成员,结为私交并互为对方的仰慕者。Later, they were members of the same Masonic lodge in Vienna, and became personal friends as well as mutual admirers.

古代德鲁伊律法本身也是在1781年建立的,由亨利哈里领导,明显是合并了共济会的思想。The Ancient Order of Druids itself was founded in 1781, led by Henry Hurle and apparently incorporating Masonic ideas.

在他们的围裙和会徽底下,他看见他们平日经过努力而得到的制服和十字勋章。Under their masonic aprons and emblems he could not help seeing the uniforms and the decorations they were striving after in mundane life.

穿印花布的看门人在富人的门阶上荡来荡去,广场看起来就像共济会野餐后的游乐场。Care-takers in calicolounged on the door-steps of the wealthy, and theCommon looked like a pleasure-ground on the morrowof a Masonic picnic.

尽管如此,刘易斯仍然成功的颁布了地方法律,开办了圣路易斯州报纸,并创办了第一个密苏里共济会。Nonetheless, Lewis had been successful in publishing territorial laws, supporting St. Louis's inaugural newspaper, and establishing the first Masonic lodge in Missouri.

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这个拳击馆坐落在一个共济会教堂的二楼,天花板已经有些陷落了,里面有一个健身房、一个沙袋房和一个回响着嘻哈乐的拳台。The gym, on the second floor of an old Masonic temple with sagging ceilings, has a fitness room, a heavy bag room and a ring that reverberates with the sound of hip-hop.

绿色的人,倒天使和神秘的共济会标志特别雕刻乞求这些图像的问题来自哪里,谁是石匠创造者。Extraordinary carvings of green men, inverted angels and mysterious masonic marks beg the questions of where these images come from and who were the stonemasons that created them.