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她会更忧伤。She's unhappy.

看来你很不高兴.You look so unhappy.

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妮接完电话有些不高兴。She call some unhappy.

她始终不快乐。And she remains unhappy.

但仍旧不快乐。And yet they are unhappy.

迈达斯这时非常伤心。Midas was now very unhappy.

但Achatz已经很不高兴。But Achatz already is unhappy.

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这怏怏不乐的船中老头。The unhappy old man in a boat.

对于这个结果他很悲伤。He is unhappy about the result.

她呜咽地诉说她的不幸遭遇。She sobbed out her unhappy lot.

我注定是一个没有幸福的人!I am foredoomed a unhappy person!

地阿,不快乐星球出生到死亡。EARTH, unhappy planet born to die.

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为啥我也是没底呢…He doesn't look too unhappy to me.

不幸的婚姻使我们兴味索然。The unhappy marriage disgusted us.

由小说改篇的也可以!Time can erase all unhappy trails.

她为何今天显得如此郁郁不乐?。Why does she appear so unhappy today?

在那段时间里我很不愉快,詹姆斯。I was very unhappy at this time,James.

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她也许是当真了。她看来不高兴呢。She may be serious. She looks unhappy.

他们有什么可不快乐的?what do they have to be unhappy about?

忘了那些使我不快乐的事吧。Forget the tings which made me unhappy.