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她跑到她家的门廊。She runs to her porch.

进门处有个门廊。A porch prefaces the entrance.

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他们将门廊用玻璃围住。They glassed in the open porch.

于是男孩邀请他一起在门廊上坐下。And invited him to sit on the porch.

并邀他坐到门廊中。and invited him to sit on the porch.

在家的时候,我看到他们经过门廊。At home, I watch them from the porch.

一些孩子把这些落在前面的门廊了。Some kid left this on the front porch.

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我建议你把前门廊拆掉。I suggest you take the front porch away.

彭宁顿夫人走到门廊。Mrs. Pennington came to the front porch.

狗在前面阳台晒太阳。The dog sunned itself in the front porch.

黄以轩来到会见了孙世安。Yellow to porch came to met with SunShiAn.

抱厦上绘有精美的壁画。There is an exquisite fresco on that porch.

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圣维尔家的门廊就是敞开着的。The space under the Sainvil's porch is open.

今天,一个醉鬼把卡车撞进了我家的门廊。Today, a drunk crashed a truck into my porch.

门廊由六根大柱子支撑着。The porch is supported by six immense pillars.

这一块是别墅玄关的共享空间。This is villatic porch together share a space.

沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.

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别的孩子玩的时候,我却只能坐在门廊上。I sat on the porch while the other kids played.

一堆洗好的衣服晾晒在一座破落房屋的门廊前。Laundry is strung across a sagging front porch.

倚着轩窗,我眺望远山。On the porch window, our view of the mountains.