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他是一个德高望重的人。He is a venerable old man.

可以告诉我你的寿龄吗?May I have your venerable age?

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栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

古老的栎树形成一条林荫拱道。Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.

毕竟他是位可敬的锡塔尔琴演奏家So--but he is the venerable sitar player.

移动法庭也是一种庄严的传统。Mobile courts are a venerable tradition too.

所以,这与古老芝加哥商业交易所的外套。So it's been with the venerable Merc jacket.

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这部古老的童话所暗含的意义是什么呢?What were the subtexts of this venerable tale?

甚至在令人尊敬的杰明街,销售也在下滑。Even in venerable Jermyn Street, sales are down.

人们尊称他为朱老。People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu.

这就是尊者阿迦曼有关爱情的开示。Such was the Venerable Acharn's instruction regarding love.

我决定用古老的“贺喜”矢量字体。My age I decided to use the venerable "Hershey" vector fonts.

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我的父亲和母亲在一所历史悠久的名牌大学中相遇。My father and my mother met at a venerable English university.

甚至是已去的Polaroid即拍相机也杀了个回马枪。Even the venerable Polaroid Instant Photo is making a comeback.

令人肃然起敬的男家长,家中令人肃然起敬的父亲角色。The venerable paterfamilias, the venerable father of the family.

他神态安详,使他显得异样地庄严可敬。He wore an air of serenity which rendered him singularly venerable.

事实上,久负盛名的黑莓目前处在了“中间”阶段。In fact, the venerable BlackBerry is currently in a “tweener” stage.

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尊者阿难只能做这样的回应,就告辞了。The Venerable Ananda could only provide such answer and bid Farwell.

流行的超文本标记语言也正在进行大变脸。The venerable Hypertext Markup Language is getting a face lift, too.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这二不定戒。Now, venerable sirs, the Two Indefinite Rules come up for recitation.