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他像三美元的纸币那样假。That professor is as phoney as a three-dollar bill.

今天的小规模冲突会迅速演变成真正的混战。Today's phoney war could quickly turn into a real dogfight.

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阿Q尤其“深恶而痛绝之”的,是他的一条假辫子。What Ah Q especially "hated bitterly" was his phoney pigtail.

但当今世界的经济状况容不得人们有一点自满的情绪,要不然,货币战争这个虚无的概念会变成一场真实的混战。Still, there is no room for complacency. Today’s phoney war could quickly turn into a real dogfight.

但是,在2010年,大家或多或少都认为梅德韦杰夫和他的“自由派”日程表是虚幻的。By 2010, however, more or less everyone had concluded that Medvedev and his "liberal" agenda were phoney.

接下去,他就连这点无聊的伪造的因果论也不见了,出现了一大堆莫名其妙的事变。But in what follows, even this Bit of tedious and phoney theory of causation disappears, and one finds only a mass of inexplicable events.

“假冒伪劣现象”就是“制售不真或质量低劣商品以欺骗消费者的行为”。The phenomenon of fake and phoney commodity is the activity of cheating consumers by producing and selling fake or inferior-quality commodities.

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相反地,就像任何一种备战的对峙状态,大家都应该把握任何空档和喘息空间,加强全球防疫,囤积抗病毒素的药物、制造疫苗的预防针。Instead, as in any phoney war, they should use the time they have been granted to reinforce the world’s defences by stocking up with antiviral medicine and making vaccines.

现在,在占领下进行了一场虚假的选举,战争被宣布为“民主的胜利“,“证实”了美军侵略和占领的正义。Now a phoney election, carried out under the conditions of occupation and war has been declared a "victory for democracy" and "proof" of the justness of the US-led invasion and occupation.

这些名单本应根据公司业绩而定,但是,看来某些公司通过支付回扣而获得了名单上一席之地,回扣形式包括股票,免费旅游,免除债务以及虚报费用。These lists are supposed to be based on merit, but some lenders appear to have secured a place on them by paying kickbacks in the form of shares, free travel, debt write-offs and phoney fees.

欧洲中央银行和国际货币基金组织的贷款是有必要的,因为在2008年经济危机的余波中,希腊暴露了经济是在虚假数据以及低息贷款的基础之上的。The joint European Central Bank-EU-IMF loan was necessary because, in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, Greece was exposed as having an economy based on phoney data and cheap credit.