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他不惯于早起。He is unaccustomed to early rising.

他不惯于在室内打球。He is unaccustomed to playing indoors.

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从不浪费的她便决定给鸭子退毛准备烹调。Unaccustomed to waste, she plucked them ready for cooking.

由于不习惯城市生活,他们非常想念自己的农场。Unaccustomed to city life, they pined after their own farm.

苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。Unaccustomed to city life, Susan pined for her native hills and streams.

风雨切割着不同寻常的天空,就好像寿司刀在生鱼片上划过。Rain and wind chop the unaccustomed sky like a sushi knife through squid.

二是少数民族自身对于既有城市环境的不适应。The ethnic minorities them-selves are unaccustomed to the urban environment.

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用不习惯眉笔的你,是否有些苦恼呢?Those who use unaccustomed eyebrow pencil you, whether to have some of worry?

苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。Unaccustomed to city life, Susan languished over her native hills and streams.

我们发现不光是在距离上人们以一种我们不习惯的方式计算。It's not only with distances that we find calculations are done in unaccustomed ways.

不习惯厕所的灾民,通常更喜欢在没有房顶的围栏内方便。Displaced people unaccustomed to latrines generally prefer a large enclosure with no roof.

斯科拉也具备低位单打的能力,但是他不习惯面对包夹防守。Luis Scola also has low-post scoring skills, although he's unaccustomed to facing double teams.

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“你,”阿德曼托斯在第六卷以讽刺的语气说道,“是如此地不习惯用形象说话。”"You, " says Adeimantus, ironically, in the sixth book, "are so unaccustomed to speak in images.

不过和昼伏夜出的人住在一起还真有些不习惯啊!But It is unaccustomed to me to live with a person that like acting in night and sleeping in day!

年轻牧民轻快地跃上一匹惯于对生人使性子的马。The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.

人类只要在一定时间内不常看见多样性,就会连多样性这一观念也飞快忘记了。Mankind speedily become unable to conceive diversity, when they have been for some time unaccustomed to see it.

这些可能会对不太习惯于在国际聚光灯下制定政策的中国政府构成挑战。Those are likely to prove challenging issues for a leadership unaccustomed to making policy under an international spotlight.

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公共部门所面临的一个巨大的问题是致力于提高客户服务的工作人员并不熟悉客户的中心行为。A big obstacle the public sector faces in improving customer service is a work force unaccustomed to customer-centric behavior.

不过,这亦可能是他成长的家庭保守,家人不习惯公然表现亲热。Nevertheless, this also may be the family that he grows is guarded, family is unaccustomed barefaced expression is affectionate.

我感到有些怅然若失,她的卧室里寂静无声,异乎寻常地整齐,摆着各色各样的纪念品,都属于过去了的童年时代。Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs form a childhood that was now history.