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键盘托架。Keyboard tray.

托盘菜单重新建造。Tray menu re-built.

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把这个面团放在一个托盘上。Put the dough in a tray.

请把盘桌放下来好吗?Would you lower the tray?

把它们放到烘烤盘上。Put them on a baking tray.

在烤盘上涂油。Line an oven tray with oil.

降低升降台托盘。To lower the elevator tray.

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移动式的盛屑盘和油箱。Removable chip tray and tank.

将它们展示在调味盘上。Display them on a relish tray.

我在文件盘里发现了这封信。I found the letter in my tray.

我每一天悄悄地对我的碟子说。I whisper to my tray every day.

所述外壳包裹在托盘胚体的外面。The casing coats the tray body.

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用吃饭的盘子挤撞安德。Jostling him with his meal tray.

将纸盘2滑入多功能一体机。Slide tray 2 into the all-in-one.

他弯下身来,触摸了下托盘。He bent down and touched the tray.

海沃德砰地一声撂下盘子,坐了下来。Heywood plops his tray down, sits.

左键单击所用进样槽。Left-click on the tray being used.

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照过X光的祈祷者捕捉了一个灰色盘子。X-rayed prayer preyed a gray tray.

麻醉柜,台,盘。Anesthetic cabinet, table, or tray.

把这些玱璃杯和托盘拿走。Take away the glasses and the tray.