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创业失败的几率是非常高的。The failure rate is astronomically high.

谷歌创立十年后设定了宏伟的目标。A decade after its founding, Google’s goals have soared astronomically.

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天狼星是他们全部宗教系统天文学上的基础。Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system.

该行业的足迹方面的生产基地已种植天文数字。The industry's footprint in terms of manufacturing sites has grown astronomically.

2008年,船只在非洲东海岸附近遭到海盗袭击的报告数量大幅度增加。In 2008, the number of reported piracy attacks off East Africa rose astronomically.

他们极有可能卷入打架斗殴或杀人的事件中。The chances for them to be involved in gang violence and homicide go up astronomically.

尽管被瞒报低报,中国官方的煤矿死亡率还是天文数字。Even if underreported, the official death rate for China’s coal mines is astronomically high.

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在虚拟化产品的巨大市场上,不断出现各种新兴的小型市场。New niches are continually being found in what turns out to be an astronomically massive market.

未来几千年,不论人类的发明多么辉煌,和它们相比,不过是璀璨星河中的些微星光。They’re astronomically brilliant in comparison to anything humans are likely to invent for millennia.

从这一点看来,等待着那些拿着超高薪待遇的银行家们的命运颇为险恶。In light of this, the fate awaiting those astronomically paid bankers could be a particularly nasty one.

摩羯座同双子座的唯一区别在于摩羯座人通常拥有吸引别人的聪明大脑。The only difference is that Saggis generally have their astronomically brilliant mind that attracts people to them.

赶快接受挑战吧——现在就拿起这本科学大视野,让这对儿天文知识渊博的小家伙今晚就带你飞上月球吧!Take the challenge—Jump Into Science today and let this astronomically knowledgeable duo fly you to the Moon tonight.

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瓦特森沈思了一分钟,「就天文学而言,它告诉了我那儿有数以百万计的星系和潜在著数以千万计的星球。」Watson pondered for a minute. " Astronomically , it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets."

发达国家有一个雄心勃勃的发展信息高速公路的计划,所需投资高达天文数字。Developed countries have an ambitious plan for expanding such an information superhighway, a plan that will involve an astronomically high investment.

约百分之十五,但我们的学生来自美国以外的国家,这是天文数字的美国学院或大学的高家来。But about fifteen percent of our undergraduates come from homes outside the United States, which is astronomically high for an American college or university.

我也亲身经历了在全球基金救援来到前的那段岁月,并且可以向大家证实现在卢旺达的情况与当时相较而言真是天壤之别。I've also seen what went on before the days when Global Fund grants were available and can report that the situation in Rwanda is astronomically better today.

大约每五百个美国人中就有一个人的这个结构有遗传缺陷,这就是为什么他们的LDL胆固醇含量会达到这样一个天文数字。About one in 500 Americans is genetically deficient in these structures, called LDL receptors, and, as a result, develops astronomically high levels of LDL cholesterol.

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因此,破译大脑密码并与电脑芯片对接将是下一个热点前沿课题,类似于天文学上破解DNA密码那样。Therefore, understanding brain code, and connecting it with a computer chip, is the next pivotal frontier, analogous to how cracking the DNA code astronomically progressed science.

他们也能够在天文尺度的概率空间里准确地定位到他的圣杯,同样并非只靠繁育,而主要是通过基因工程学,有一个还采用了反向工程学。They too were able to pinpoint his chalice in an astronomically large space of possibilities, not by breeding alone, but primarily by genetic engineering and, in one case, by reverse engineering.