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今天星期三是斋期开始。It's Ash Wednesday.

四旬斋在开始于圣灰星期三。It begins on Ash Wednesday.

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各位周三见啦We'll see you on Wednesday.

我度过了星期三。I made it through Wednesday.

那么星期三怎么样?What about a Wednesday then?

你们星期三干什么?What do you do on Wednesday?

我们周本见。I'll see you all on Wednesday.

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我们周三晚上见。I'll see you Wednesday evening.

好了,我们周三再见Okay. I'll see you on Wednesday.

归还期限是下个星期三。They’re due back next Wednesday.

魏尔伦在星期三那天就把它放进去了。Verlaine put it there Wednesday.

星期三你能帮我代班吗?Can you cover for me on Wednesday?

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我星期三有个约会。I have an appointment on Wednesday.

伊夫玛丽卡森在星期三被发现。Eve Marie Carson was found Wednesday.

就到这吧,咱们周三再见Okay we'll see you guys on Wednesday.

我们俱乐部隔周星期三碰面。Our club meets every other Wednesday.

但是,她却在星期三改变了主意。But she changed her mind on Wednesday.

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我每逢星期三都值夜班。I am on the night shift every Wednesday.

下周三见。See you, not on Monday, but on Wednesday.

是的。我上星期三有看电影。Yes, I did. I saw a movie last Wednesday.