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你真是一个十足的幽默家。You're quite a humorist.

幽默家故意装成没有受过教育的平民。The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man.

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马奇对他笑了笑,心想这个人实在是太幽默了。Madge smiled at him. The man was evidently a humorist.

奥罗克,当然了,是一名作家,讽刺家,幽默家。P.J. O'Rourke, of course, is an author, satirist and humorist.

说起花白的头发,英国著名的幽默大师P.When referring to gray hair, the famous English humorist named P.

在马克∙吐温写作生涯之初,他被誉为富有天分的幽默作家。At the beginning of his career, Twain was lauded as a talented humorist.

换句话说,幽默大师马克吐温就像是闯进瓷器店的一头公牛,把珍贵的想法撞得粉碎。In other words, Mark Twain the humorist is a bull in the china shop of ideas.

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美国著名幽默小说作家,出生于美国的费城。American humorist and story writer, was born in Philadelphia in the United States.

马克。吐温是美国伟大的幽默家,是我们老家隔壁的密苏里州人,对吧?Mark Twain is that great American humorist from my neighboring state of Missouri, isn't he?

金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的摇动尾巴。美国幽默作家比林斯.J。Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. J, Billings, American humorist.

金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的摇动尾巴。美国幽默作家比林斯。Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. --J, Billings, American humorist.

他是一个有心的幽默家,然后才是一个有见识的思想家,或者,更确切的说,从幽默中见真知的思想家。He was a humorist with a heart before he was a mystic with a vision, or, rather, the vision flowed from the humor.

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但是,套用美国作家和幽默大师马克·吐温的话说,关于其死亡的报告被严重夸大。And yet, to paraphrase American writer and humorist Mark Twain, reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated.

这就是美国幽默大师在现场表演,他在讲美国棒球和橄榄球之间的区别。That was a live performance by the humorist George Carlin about the differences between American baseball and football.

他写过一本关于自然历史方面的书---我希望没有一位尖酸刻薄的幽默家会想在这上面找出他喜欢我的什么原因。He had written a book on Natural History--wherein I hope no unkind humorist will try to find a reason for such fondness.

正如美国幽默作家马克吐温所说的“只有在四月一号这一天,我们才意识到在一年中其他的364天中我们是多么的愚蠢”。"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. " ---- American humorist Mark Twain.

正如美国幽默作家马克吐温所说的“只有在四月的第一天,我们才记起在过去一年的364天中我们是多么的愚蠢”。American humorist Mark Twain has said that the first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.

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马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains.

但是随后我想,如果我是一只蚂蚁而老太太倒在了我身上,那可就不好玩了---杰克。韩戴,美国幽默作家。But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny---Jack Handey, American humorist.

正如美国幽默作家马克吐温所说的“只有在四月的第一天,我们才记起在过去一年的364天中我们是多么的愚蠢”。American humorist Mark Twainthe has siad that the first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.