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佛瑞德说。Fred said.

嗨,我是福瑞.Hi,this is Fred.

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易恩和富雷得都是男孩,他们都十二岁了。Lan and Fred were boys.

你说什么都行,弗瑞德。Whatever you say, Fred.

弗兰特是个大傻瓜。Fred is a priceless fool.

弗雷德真是个好伙子。Fred is really a good guy.

然后弗瑞德.胡夫曼打电话过来。Then Fred Hoffmann called.

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你不能说走就走,他们都很依赖你。Because I can't move, Fred.

李华明议员贝恩斯是其中之一。Fred Baines was one of them.

弗雷德是警方的眼线,是他告的密。Fred is a nark. He squealed.

弗莱德比迪克高得多。Fred is much tall than dick.

弗雷德总输不起。I am no Fred Astaire myself.

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汤姆击中弗雷德的鼻子。Tom biffed Fred on the snoot.

我请求与弗雷德·布朗里谈话。I asked to speak to Fred Branley.

费雷德和多丽丝相视一笑。Fred and Doris smiled at each other.

弗瑞德将足球打足了气。Fred inflated the football with air.

弗莱德,看你敢伤他一根汗毛!Don't you dare lay a hand on him, Fred.

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弗雷德和艾瑟儿都愿意,就上了飞机。Fred and Ethel agreed, so up they went.

弗雷德靠种田勉强度日。Fred eked out a bare living by farming.

我问弗雷德时他就是那样说的。That's what Fred said when I asked him.