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麦盖提早些时候说,为期5年的信用违约掉期上升了3个基点到达62个。Earlier Markit said five-year CDS was up by 3 bps at 62 bps.

该指数上周五曾扩大至150bps,创2009年7月以来最高水平。The index had widened to 150 bps on Friday, the highest since July 2009.

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BPS全自动干燥站可以使用任何方式进行配置。BPS fully-automated dry-to dry stations can be configured in almost any fashion.

从而明确了工艺条件对聚苯乙烯溴化过程的影响。Finally, the technological conditions affecting the brominated process of BPS were determined.

方法应用BPS系统和传统方法修复全口义齿各15例。Methods 15 BPS brand complete dentures were made and 15 traditional complete dentures were made.

高孳息债券息差由223个基点扩大至227个基点,月内一度创下204个基点的历史新低。High yield spreads rose from 223 bps to 227 bps after hitting historic low of 204 bps intra-month.

创建一个电子文件夹,文件夹名字包括英伦管架有限公司“N”核能合同号以及客户名称。Creating an electronic folder in the name of the BPS 'N' Nuclear contract number and the customer's name.

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除了荷兰及芬兰以外,其他所有欧元区国家公债与德国公债收益率的差距均超过30基点.With the exception of The Netherlands and Finland, all other euro zone countries' debt spreads to Bunds are above 30 bps.

德国10年期公债收益率和美国一样低,英国也只不过高20个基点.Yet 10-year German government borrowing is just as cheap as the United States. British yields too are only 20 bps higher.

维护每个客户订单的信息板,作为各个部门之间的联系人,支持BPS。Maitain the information board for each customer order, be a liaison between different department for production, support BPS.

尽管如此,这些实验确实与去年S.B。博士在心理学研究文献中提出的实验几乎不谋而合。Nonetheless, what's planned does sound very close to the experiment proposed by Blackmore at the BPS Research Digest last year.

高强度和良好的耐腐蚀性能,使基点46-701-1146不锈钢有益的多种应用。High strength and excellent corrosion resistance make BPS 46-701-1146 Stainless Steel useful for a wide variety of applications.

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二十年来,香港威裕环球集团以专业知识服务全球众多不同领域的企业和机构。For twenty years, BPS Global Group has been striving to best serve our clients in different fields with our professional knowledge.

法国与德国收益率差距达56基点.更极端的情况是,意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰及希腊与德国公债的收益率差距甚至高达上百个基点.France is at 56 bps. In more extreme cases, spreads in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece, are into hundreds of basis points.

回看历史,2007年5月的非对称加息,5年期的存、贷款上调息差也达45个基点。Historically, the asymmetric interest rate hikes in May 2007, the 5-year deposit and lending interest rate hike spread reached 45 bps.

两年期/10年期债券收益率差近期触及的纪录最阔水准225基点,分析师认为,2009年底前将缩窄至170基点.Economists reckon the 2-10-year yield curve will flatten to 170 basis points by end-2009 from a euro lifetime wide of 225 bps recently.

BPS还提供定制蛋白的表达,生物化学和基于细胞的检测和化合物筛选服务。BPS also provides custom protein expression, biochemical and cell-based assays, and compound screening services. BPS is customer-oriented.

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殖利率方面,加拿大2年期隔夜曲线只比美国同等曲线陡峭20个基点,相比之下,2010年,两者的息差高达100个基点左右。Taking a look at yields, the Canada 2yr overnight curve is only 20 bps steeper than the US compared to spread highs around 100bps in 2010.

但该iTraxx指数已快速缩窄,自周二触及176个基点后缩至157.5基点.But the iTraxx index for insuring financials' senior debt against default has narrowed sharply, to 157.5 basis points since hitting 176 bps on Tuesday.

高强度和良好的耐腐蚀性能,使基点46-701-1146不锈钢有益的多种应用。如传送带。High strength and excellent corrosion resistance make BPS 46-701-1146 Stainless Steel useful for a wide variety of applications. Such as the conveyor belts.