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奥巴牛?你真的很牛!Oba buffalo? You really cow!

按时完成过程、最终、开箱检验工作。Timely complete in-process , finally inspection and OBA.

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他是名灵活而且速度很快的前锋,和我们的奥巴很像。He was a very agile and fast striker, similar to our Oba.

用大叶放在碟上装饰,拌以朱古力浆同吃。Add the oba for garnish, serve chocolate syrup on the side.

奥巴马成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统。Oba ma becomes the first black president of US A in history.

对于奥巴,我们面临几种不同的方案。"We have a few different scenarios for Oba , " Shearer said yesterday.

奥巴完全理解我为什么感到失望,但他和我之间不存在任何问题。Oba totally understood why I was disappointed but there are no problems between him and me.

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这是奥巴马上台16个月后首次发布“国家安全战略报告”。This is Oba mA Power 16 months after the first issued a "national security strategy report".

所报告的OBA下的收支差额应该相等,不同于持有人确认的收支差额。The reported balance under OBA should be equal and opposite to that was confirmed by the holder.

2007年,摩洛哥通过一项补贴机制设计和实施了一个供水和卫生OBA试验项目。In 2007, using a subsidy mechanism, Morocco designed and implemented a water supply and sanitation OBA pilot.

OBA方法改进了程序,克服了融资障碍,加强了利益相关者之间的合作。The OBA approach is has improved processes, overcome financing obstacles, and increased stakeholder partnerships.

他说我和奥巴必须拿住球,但我们在进攻中没有配合,这就让比赛变得困难。He said that me and Oba had to keep the ball but we were a bit too isolated in attack and it was difficult to play.

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我们拥有迈克尔和马丁斯两个非常健康的射手,但是维杜卡还没有完全恢复他的状态。We've got Michael Owen and Oba Martins as our two fully fit strikers where as Mark Viduka is not yet at his sharpest.

切瓦多对我耳语道,然后我们老板问有没有人自愿马上就去看一下镇长的时候她立刻举起了手。Chikwado whispered to me, and then promptly raised her hand when our boss asked for volunteers to go see the Oba right away.

纽卡斯尔联在星期二晚在阿联酋球场迎战阿森纳的联赛盃赛事中派出了包括马丁斯,阿梅奥比和阿兰史密夫的锋线,但却未能打进一球。United fielded Oba Martins, Shola Ameobi and Alan Smith at the Emirates Stadium on Tuesday night, but couldn't get on the scoresheet.

阿勒代斯似乎确信,周一晚上,欧文和马丁斯能够带领纽卡斯尔赢得胜利。Newcastle manager Sam Allardyce seems confident that Michael Owen and Oba Martins can spearhead Newcastle United to victory against Tottenham on Monday night.

但欧文和马丁斯会首发出场,而维杜卡和安迪科尔会坐上替补。而无缘英格兰的欧文始终觉得球队会有很多攻击力。But with Owen and Oba Martins set to start, and Mark Viduka and Andy Carroll available, the out-of-favour England star still feels there are plenty of attacking options.

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OBA方法改善了程序,克服了融资障碍,加强了利益相关者之间的合作。The OBA approach has improved processes, overcome financing obstacles, and increased stakeholder partnerships. As such, it is well on its way to reach its 2010 objectives.

“因为迈克尔上赛季一直处于伤病当中,马丁斯就成为了主力前锋,但是这个赛季,他们将要在同一个位置上竞争,”阿勒代斯说。" Oba was the main man last year because Michael was kept out with injuries, but they will be fighting with each other for a place this season, " Allardyce was quoted as saying.

马丁斯有膝伤,马克维杜卡在脚踵手术后并不适合比赛,剩下阿兰史密斯-从埃弗顿买来的一个并不成功的球员-作为他唯一适合的前锋。Oba Martins is troubled with a knee injury and Mark Viduka is not fit after an Achilles operation, leaving Alan Smith, the subject of an unsuccessful bid from Everton, as his only fit striker.