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“永不会输的魔杖,哈利!”罗恩抱怨道。"The unbeatable wand, Harry! " moaned Ron.

我参加过各种比赛,到现在还打遍天下无敌手。I've entered all sorts of contests, even untill now I'm still unbeatable.

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那完成比赛冲过终点线时的感觉真是无与伦比。The feeling of accomplishment when you cross the finish line is unbeatable.

我们没有给我们提供昂贵的零售店铺,你无与伦比的储蓄。We have no expensive retail outlets affording us and you unbeatable savings.

不管怎样说,X100的高贵,经典的皮革设计是无可匹敌的。No matter how, X100's elegant, classic leathery design is totally unbeatable.

随后的两年里,在当地的卡丁车赛事中,他从未输过。In the two years that followed, he was unbeatable in his regional go-kart events.

他的最后成绩505.65优秀得无法超越--领先他的同胞吴玉通60.10分。His final result 505.65 was great and unbeatable ? 60.10 ahead of his compatriot Yutong.

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来自Grifoni球队在主场几乎是不可战胜的,但是他们的客场让人失望。The Grifoni are virtually unbeatable at home, but their away play has been disappointing.

所以,就算是这个岛上最好的球手,也承认我在自家的场地上是所向无敌的。So, I'm considered even by the best players on the island to be unbeatable on my own court.

几乎不可战胜的撑杆跳高名将伊辛巴耶娃又给俄罗斯军团增添一金。And the almost unbeatable pole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva added one more gold to Russia's tally.

在阿法玛餐厅小,往往只提供一些表,但这些食物是无与伦比的。Restaurants in Alfama are often small and only provide a few tables but the food is unbeatable.

玛约拉·威廉姆斯是以锲而不舍的力量胜过似乎不可战胜对手的榜样。Mayola Williams is an example of the power of perseverance over a seemingly unbeatable adversary.

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萨飞士经特殊专业加工生产的比萨酱将助您制作出无与伦比美味的比萨!SunFace provides specially processed pizza sauce to help you make your own unbeatable taste pizzas!

马克-我护送归功于制作成福特匹敌的集会“力量”的七十年代初。The Mark-I Escort was attributed to making Ford into the unbeatable rally "force" of the early 70s.

女性在三岁时所要忍受的裹脚之痛一定是无以言表的。The pain that the woman must have endured at as early as three years old must have been unbeatable.

他们是祖国的蓝天卫士,展现出了所向披靡的气质和胆略。They are the blue sky of the motherland defenders demonstrated an unbeatable temperament and courage.

勇者必须破解近乎无懈可击的强敌所编织的诡诈阴谋。Complex intrigues where the hero must thwart the subtle machinations of seemingly unbeatable opponents.

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英华依然具有无与伦比的魅力。暗合崇尚的人的心律脉动。Yinghua holds an unbeatable enchantment, which grasps hearts of fashionoursuers and vibrates with them.

显然,微软买到的Skype是一个快速增长、定位准确的全球性资产,而且有着无与伦比的品牌。Certainly Microsoft will be buying a fast-growing, well-positioned global asset with an unbeatable brand.

有了双节棍,李小龙就像一台无敌无敌的机器,这种手上武器的威力是从来没有听说过的。With this nunchaku, Bruce Lee looked like an unbeatable machine. The effect of this hand weapon was unheard of.