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用折价券就不会。Not with the coupon.

我能用这张优惠券吗?Can I use this coupon?

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请问有早餐劵吗?Do you have breakfast coupon?

你喜欢用折价券。You like using discount coupon.

请把您的餐券交给我,好吗?Could I have your dinning coupon?

中期国债带有所谓的"息票"They carry what's called a coupon.

所以,这被称为票息剪券。So, that was called coupon clipping.

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这张优待券可供两人免费使用。This coupon admits two people for free.

这张联票只能用于星期日以外的日子。This coupon is good only for week days.

凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。This coupon entitles you to a free lunch.

请问有优惠卷或会员卡吗?。Do you have a coupon or a membership card?

优惠劵只适用于圆方店。The coupon is valid at ELEMENTS shop only.

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这就是定期获得收益和风险规避。That's coupon clipping and risk mitigation.

以上优惠只适用于新生。This coupon is only valid for new students.

这是您的房卡和早餐券。Here is your room card and breakfast coupon.

更有全天房80元抵用券1张超值赠送!More room 80 yuan coupon value 1 piece gift!

我有一张折价券是“买一个汉堡另送一个汉堡”。I've a coupon for buy one burger get one free.

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此优惠不得与现金券同时使用。Cannot be used in conjunction with cash coupon.

这是您的房卡和早餐券。Here is your room key and the breakfast coupon.

从某意义来说,黄金是一种永续的零息债券。It is, in a sense, a perpetual zero coupon bond.