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但未受割礼的,都不可吃这羊羔。No uncircumcised male may eat of it.

你们这硬着颈项,心与耳未受割礼的人,常时抗拒圣灵。You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears!

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未做过割包皮手术的男性也似乎喜欢生活方式这种安全套。Men who are uncircumcised also seem to favor Lifestyles Condoms.

研究人员当前正为参与研究的包皮未割的人提供行包皮环切术的机会。The studies' uncircumcised men are being offered the chance to undergo the procedure.

这未受割礼的非利士人是谁呢?竟敢向活神的军队骂阵么?For who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the ranks of the living God?

你们这硬著颈项、心与耳未受割礼的人,常时抗拒圣灵!You stiff- necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit.

它涉及三千四百名年龄在十五到四十九岁之间的未割礼的乌干达男人。It involved about three thousand four hundred uncircumcised Ugandan men between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine.

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有些情况下,未做过包皮手术的男性会需要经过一段时间才能发现它的舒适性和适合性。In some instances uncircumcised men have a had time finding condoms that are comfortable and that fit appropriately.

此前感染过一种称为腺病毒5的常见病毒的人们和未割包皮的男性中间的风险更大。The risk was greater in people previously infected with a common virus called adenovirus 5 and in uncircumcised men.

三年后,在未切割包皮的男子中,有51个诊断为携带艾滋病毒,而切割包皮的人中,只有18人染上了此病。Three years later, 51 of the uncircumcised men were diagnosed with HIV, compared with just 18 of those who had been circumcised.

在平衡了两组人群之间的差异后,环切组男性感染HPV的可能性是另外一组的一半。The circumcised men were about half as likely to have HPV as uncircumcised men, after adjustment for other differences between the two groups.

有证据显示,包皮环切的男性通过异性性行为感染HIV病毒的可能性比未割包皮的男性约低一半。There is very strong evidence showing that circumcised men are about half as likely as uncircumcised men to acquire HIV through heterosexual sex.

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我所以行事与他们反对,把他们带到仇敌之地.那时,他们未受割礼的心若谦卑了,他们也服了罪孽的刑罚which made me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies-then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin

更引人注目的是,队列研究表明,未割包皮的男孩发生尿路感染的几率,比割过包皮的男孩高出10倍。Even more compelling, cohort studies showed that there was a tenfold increase in the rate of urinary tract infection in boys who were uncircumcised versus those who were.

评论曾指出大卫显然未曾受过割礼,这是和犹太条规相违背的,但是这却很符合文艺复兴时期艺术品的惯例。Commentators have noted David’s apparently uncircumcised form, which is at odds with Judaic practice, but is considered consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.

在乌干达的研究中,2,387名受过割礼的男子在两年里有22人感染了HIV,而对照组的2,430人中同期的感染数量是45人。For the Ugandan study, 22 of 2, 387 circumcised men acquired HIV over the two-year period compared to 45 of 2, 430 uncircumcised men who were infected during this time span.

反之,如果未受割损的人遵守了法律的规条,他虽未受割损,岂不算是受了割损吗?On the contrary, if those who are uncircumcised obey the commandments of the Law, do you not think that, in spite of being pagans, they make themselves like the circumcised?

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又作受割礼之人的父,就是那些不但受割礼,并且按我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕,未受割礼而信之踪迹去行的人。And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.

数千名来自肯尼亚,乌干达和南非的成年男性自愿随机被分成割礼组和对照组,他们原来都属于HIV阴性,性生活活跃,没有受过割礼。Thousands of adult, HIV-negative, sexually active, uncircumcised men in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa agreed to be randomly assigned to a circumcision group or a no-circumcision group.

关于这座雕塑是有争议的,因为这座雕塑似乎描绘了一个未受割礼的男性,而毋庸置疑大卫王是受过割礼的。There was controversy over the statue’s supposed Biblical reference, since the statue seemed to portray an uncircumcised male, whereas the historical King David was undoubtedly circumcised.