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我想和他走到比永远更远。I want to walk to with him farer than forever.

来自加拿大多伦多的法尔不赞成这个观点。Farer from Toronto in Canada is against the idea.

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月亮距离我们很远,月亮是这个距离的10倍远。The moon is far away, the moon is 10 times farer away.

我们的团队这次有机会到了一个更远、更不容易到达的地方。Our group this time had a chance to go to a bit farer places where it is more difficult to go.

应付着实力远强于他的帝宗高手的轰杀。Cope with dent actually is farer lusty than his emperor to believe in a bombing of superior to kill.

如不提醒的话,我的记忆里也能清楚的记得,面粉袋标上标有加拿大进口的字样。Were it not reminded it'd get farer from my memory of flour sacks marked with' imported from Canada.

为环中的窗口更改最小比例因子。窗口越远就越小。Changes the minimum scale factor for windows in the ring. The farer away windows are, the smaller are they.

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那片紫红伸展开来,愈来愈高,愈来愈远,愈来愈柔和,终于铺满了半个天空。That purple red stretches to open, higher and higher, farer and farer, more and more soft, spread finally full half the sky.

此后的文学离政治意识层面越来越远,而与经济基础的结合愈加紧密。Thus, literature is getting farer and farer away from political ideology and becoming closer and closer to economic foundation.

妈妈打羽毛球一下左,一下右,一会儿远一会儿近,我怎么会知道她要怎么打?Mum hits the badminton ball left then right, and then closer to me, then farer. How would I know how she's going to hit the ball?

我知道我们的距离不之前越来越远了,所以我现在在努力的在你后面的追上来。I know our destination is getting farer and farer than before, that's why I'm doing my best to get nearer and follow up behind you.

③随着光场初始强度的增加,光场和系统与各自初始态的偏离程度增大。On the other hand, the stronger the initial intensity of field is, the farer the field and system departure from their initial states.

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其实幸福是离我很近的,只是这段距离看起来远了,可能是我的努力不够,所以没有实现自己微小的愿望。Actually happiness is very close to me, sometimes its getting farer because I didn't try hard enough so I didn't accomplish my tiny wishes.

依据信息论“远小近大“的观点,引入时效函数对自适应优化组合预测模型进行改进。According to the view of "the farer it is small, the closer it is big" by the information theory, the aging function is introduced to modify the self-adapt optimized combination forecast model.