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于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。So a combat broke out unavoidably.

实际的产品不可避免地变得丑陋。The actual product is unavoidably grotesque.

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在跨国装运中,这类事故的发生是不可避免的。Accident of this sort does unavoidably occur in cross-country shipping.

在某些应用中,不可避免地会超过这个最大的电压。In some applications, this maximum voltage may be unavoidably exceeded.

看来不管多大牌的明星,都免不了走光啊。No matter how high the stars are playing, they all exposed unavoidably.

在翻译实践中,误译不可避免地始终存在着。Mistranslation unavoidably penetrates huan being's translation activity through all eras.

因此,社会学方法必然卷入元理论和元预设。Thus, meta-theory and meta-presupposition are unavoidably involved in sociological methods.

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当我们奔波红尘时,难免有糖衣炮弹,诱惑的陷阱。When we travel the world of mortals, unavoidably have sugar-coated cannonball, alluring trap.

骄傲,特别是高级干部的骄傲,不能不使党的团结和党的工作受到损害。Conceit, especially the conceit of high- ranking cadres, will unavoidably harm Party unity and work.

你必须在景深、曝光时间和噪点之间做出权衡。Photos are unavoidably limited by the trade-off between depth of field, exposure time and image noise.

从用例和分析类到设计和设计类的转化是不可避免的模糊的。The transition from use cases and analysis classes to design and design classes was unavoidably blurry.

爱情既是风险投资,难免有去无回,失恋是再正常不过的事情。Love is not only the venture capital, has not returns, is lovelorn is unavoidably again the normal matter.

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对任何企业和商号的集体管理都会不可避免地导致财务上的失效和服务提供上的贫乏。Public management of any undertakings and concerns unavoidably results in financial failure and poor service.

生产的社会化必然带来生产主体的再社会化问题。The socialization of production will unavoidably cause the problem of re-socialization of the working subject.

其次,正因为我们的人权状况仍在发展过程中,因而有些问题的出现是不可避免的,需要得到改进。And secondly, as they are still in the process of development, some problems unavoidably exist and need improving.

由于没有步出传统的淡季,二手车商的日子难免过得懒洋洋。Because does not have the step traditional off season, the second-hand car dealer's day crosses languidly unavoidably.

两权分离形成了委托代理关系,委托代理关系不可避免会产生非效率现象。The separation of ownership and operation right brings up agency by agreement relation, unavoidably causing inefficiency.

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现在听到娱乐圈的“退出”一词,总免不了让人浮想联翩。Now hears the entertainment world "the withdrawal" a word, always unavoidably lets the person recollections in close succession.

这种强烈的紫外线辐射,将不可避免地通过分解大气中的水蒸汽和二氧化碳来释放出氧气。This intense radiation would unavoidably have freed oxygen by decomposing the water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

在地形复杂地区,物探异常的准确定位不可避免地受地形因素的影响。For the regions of complex topography, the accurate orientation of geophysical anomaly unavoidably is influenced by the landform.