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俄罗斯西伯利亚至雅库茨克的之路。Russian Siberian Road to Yakutsk

当下莫斯科和雅库茨克都正在寒冷多雪的冬天。Both Moscow and Yakutsk are currently in the midst of cold, snowy winters.

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直到1917年俄国革命,雅库茨克一直是一个不重要的外省前哨地。Until the Russian Revolution of 1917, Yakutsk remained an insignificant provincial outpost.

雅库茨克是世界上建设在永久冻土上最大的城市——土壤在全年都保持冰冻。Yakutsk is the largest city in the world built on permafrost – soil that remains permanently frozen year round.

俄国人于1630年征服了这个地区,并在雅库茨克建立了小小的行政中心。The region was first conquered by the Russians in the 1630s, and Yakutsk was set up as a small administrative centre.

就是这个原因,雅库茨克的每一幢房屋都建造在地下的桩基上,桩基的深度会根据建筑物的大小而变化。For this reason, every single building in Yakutsk is built on underground stilts, varying in depth depending on the size of the building.

俄罗斯钻石之都雅库茨克和镍矿开采城诺里尔斯克的土地承受能力显著下降,也面临危险。At risk too from a stark weakening of the 'bearing capacity' of the ground are Russia's diamond capital Yakutsk and nickel mining city Norilsk.

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随着时间推移,雅库茨克已经变成了一个真正的城市,有酒店、电影院、歌剧院、大学和披萨外送的服务,甚至还有了一个动物园。In time, Yakutsk was transformed into a real city with hotels, cinemas, an opera house, universities, a pizza delivery service, and even a zoo.

所以,在雅库茨克初次出门探险之前,我决定穿上整箱的衣服以御寒。So, before venturing outdoors in Yakutsk for the first time, I have decided to don a suitcase's worth of clothes to protect me against the cold.

甚至在今天,当我告诉莫斯科的朋友我将去雅库茨克,他们会朝我目瞪口呆,好像我告诉他们要去月球。Even today, telling my Moscow friends that I was heading to Yakutsk brought stares of incredulity, as though I'd told them I was going to the Moon.

所以我决定亲自前往雅库茨克,去探明在这个世界上最寒冷的地方人们是怎样设法生存下来,以及他们日常生活的种种。So I decided to come to Yakutsk for myself to find out how people manage to survive, and go about something resembling daily life, in the world's coldest place.

在机场,我们必须步行走向飞机,并在停机坪上呆上10分钟才能登机,我最后感受了雅库茨克的空气。I get a last blast of Yakutsk air at the airport, where we have to walk to the plane and are then forced to wait for 10 minutes on the tarmac before we are allowed to board.

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到雅库茨克没有铁路,其它的选择可以是在不封冻的几个月时间里,沿丽娜河乘船上溯1000英里,或者是走“白骨之路”。There is no railway to Yakutsk. The other options are a 1, 000-mile boat ride up the Lena river during the few months of the year when it isn't frozen, or the "Road of Bones".

本文从统计低温多雨的冷空气路径、源地和移速入手,找出主要影响系统为贝加尔湖北部及亚库次克的阻塞高压。In this paper by the statistical analysis of the path source and moving velocity-of the cold air blocking high on the north of baikal and yakutsk was shown to be the main system of influence.

本文从统计低温多雨的冷空气路径、源地和移速入手,找出主要影响系统为贝加尔湖北部及雅库茨克的阻塞高压。In this paper, by the statistical analysis of the path, source and moving velocity-of the cold air, blocking high on the north of Baikal and Yakutsk was shown to be the main system of influence.

19世纪后期的英国旅行家亨利.赖斯德尓在穿越西伯利亚时曾经到过这儿,他说,“可以确信,雅库茨克是地球表面最寒冷的地方,然而本地人已经习惯了这样的寒冷。"Yakutsk has the credit of being the coldest place upon the face of the earth, " noted Henry Lansdell, a British traveller who stopped off here on his way across Siberia in the late 19th century.