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你只是我想像出来的虚构物。And you were just a figment of my imagination.

那可能只是我们想象臆造出来的呢?What if it's just a figment of our imaginations?

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但是,这都不过是种错觉,是种表面现象。But it was all a figment of fancy, a matter of surface.

他的英雄主义只是自己想象的臆构吗?Had his heroics only been a figment of his imagination?

这个什么毒蜘蛛的东西也是你凭空杜撰出来的吧?。Is this spider thing a figment of your imagination, too?

我认为那些只不过是人们的凭空想像和虚构。I thought all this was simply a figment of one's imagination.

我是你幻想出来的你都不知道,我怎么会知道?I am a figment of your imagination. You did not know, how could I?

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医生,你是说这疼痛是我想像出来的喽?Doctor, are you suggesting the pain is a figment of my imagination?

昨天已经过去了,而明天却是我们想象力所构想出来的。Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is just a figment of the imagination.

是那姑娘没穿上衣呢,还是我凭空想象的事?Was that girl wearing no blouse or was it a figment of my imagination?

昨天已经成为历史,而明天仅仅只存在于你的想象虚构。Yesterday is history and tomorrow is merely a figment of your imagination.

中国的核武器其实根本不存在,不过是CIA臆造出来的东西。And Chinese nuclear arsenal does not exist. They are simply figment of CIA.

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一个是“真实的”发生,而另外一个则是梅瑞迪斯的臆想场景。One happens "for real" and the other is a figment of Meredith's imagination.

没有什么衰退和萧条,这只是我们社会大众的虚构的想象。There is no recession or depression. It is all a figment of our society's imagination.

这个定义还包括了一个概念上的根总线----仅仅作为一个我们想象的虚构事务而存在。The definition also includes a notional root bus that exists only as a figment of our imagination.

波西米亚也许只是拉劳伦的时尚印象的虚构,但是他把这处理的甜蜜和令人折服。Bohemia may be only a figment of Mr. Lauren’s fashion imagination, but he made it sweet and compelling.

对于其他人,腓利门也许是容格想像的一个虚构人物,或者是疯狂的迹象。To anyone else, Philemon might be perceived as a figment of Jung's imagination, or evidence of madness.

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部分的原因是,那些早期的利润是会计师们想像力虚构的一部分。Part of the answer is that those earlier profits were in part a figment of the accountants’ imaginations.

我们是否可以回到古典的美与雅中去?抑或这仅仅只是一个臆造的想像?Can we return to this time of classical beauty and grace or is this ideal a figment of the modern imagination?

但是,有一天,他们惊恐地发现他们期待的富有只是别人凭空捏造的想象。But then, one day, they discovered to their horror that their supposed wealth was a figment of someone else’s imagination.