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比如,创造力Consider creativity.

新年新创意。New Year's creativity.

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创造力是很泛的一个概念。Creativity is randomness.

那么有的便只有创造力。Then only is there creativity.

举例说明关你的创造性。Give an example of your creativity.

我们与创造力和激情共勉!We share with creativity and passion!

这种创造力从何而来?Where does this creativity come from?

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真正探索自己的创造能力。and really explore my own creativity.

创造性可以让你思如泉涌。Creativity can get your juices flowing.

创新是指创意的自由发挥。Innovation is the freedom of creativity.

一支球队表现出了他们的激情与创造力。One of them showed verve and creativity.

使用乐高得宝桶装,创意开始!Creativity starts with LEGO DUPLO bricks!

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只有创造力也制不出号地图来。Creativity alone does not make a map good.

热情是创新的命根子。Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity.

厦大出版社无穷的创造力也令我惊叹。I have also marveled at XMUP's creativity.

沉迷于看电视扼杀创造力。Indulgence in watching TV kill creativity.

创造力和独创性是同一件事。Creativity is the same thing as originality.

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好好休息——过度劳累是创造力的杀手。Get lots of rest. Overwork kills creativity.

与此同时,评论性博客也为创造性和趣味性提供了一个更大的空间。It provides more room for creativity and fun.

横向思维把创造力变成一种工具。Lateral thinking turns creativity into a tool.