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这头大象的脑里满是强盗们在晚上的谈话,突然就攻击了自己的看象人。The elephant, his mind filled with the night's robber-talk, suddenly attacked his mahout.

重演昔日战场景象,我们正将象夫的社会地位提高到以往水平。By doing these re-enactments we are raising the standing of the mahout back to what it was.

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他用手抓住我的头发,他的长头发在风中飞舞,他骑在我身上,就像一名驯象师骑着一匹又肥又老的大象。Gripping my hair with both hands, his own long hair blowing in the wind, he rode me like a mahout rides a baggy old elephant.

但强调了一项基本原则,象和驯象员之间的关系是驯象成功与否的关键。But they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.

驯象中至关生要的是指派一名专门的驯象员,全面负责这项工作。The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job.

身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic.

这位大象营区最年轻的驯象师,在大象受伤前,每天都会带著高龄98岁的玛莱到河里洗澡。Top, the youngest mahout at the Ayutthaya Elephant Camp, takes Malai to bath in the river everyday before Malai broke her front leg after she was hit by another elephant.

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2010年1月22日,在泰国首都曼谷,一位驯象师带领着他的大象在闹市区募集捐款,用来帮助海地地震中的受害者。据称,此活动的发起者为当地一家旅店店主。A mahout approaches a tourist to donate money to a relief fund created by a local hotel owner to help earthquake victims in Haiti, Friday, Jan. 22, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand.

这种极端的事例虽不可全信,但强调了一项基本原则,象和驯象员之间的关系是驯象成功与否的关健。Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.

这种极端事例或许不可全信,但确也说明了象和驯象者之间的关系是成功驯养的关键这一普遍原则。Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relation-ship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.