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玫瑰和鳕鱼的气味又来了。So, some whiffs of roses and haddock.

好,请给我来点儿黑线鳕和炸土豆片。Yes. Haddock and chips for me, please.

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阿道克船长是个酒鬼,特别爱朗姆酒和威士忌。Haddock is a hard drinker, particularly fond of rum and whisky.

大西洋小鳕鱼或黑线鳕,尤指已去骨切片以备烹调的。Young atlantic cod or haddock esp. one split and boned for cooking.

今晚鳕鱼将要大量群集在距岸三百浔的地方。Tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms.

因为当黑线鳕鱼看到一个网,它们会向上游逃跑但是却被捕捉。Because when haddock face a net, they swim up to escape and get caught.

我要一碗奶油蘑菇汤,再来一份填馅鳕鱼。I'd like a bowl of the cream of mushroom soup, and also the stuffed haddock.

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美国鲽鱼、狭鳕、黑线鳕和大西洋鳕鱼因此受益。This has benefitted species such as American plaice, pollock, haddock and Atlantic cod.

在2007年被封闭180处,是一个最高纪录,主要是因为幼黑线鳕进入。In 2007 there were 180 closures, a record, largely because of an influx of young haddock.

另一项由加拿大哈达克调研公司开展的民意测试表明半数的共和党人不认为气候变化是由人类活动引起的。Another poll by the Canadian firm Haddock Research showed half of Republicans refuse to believe that it is caused by humans.

鳕鱼和黑斑鳕只是两种为寻找凉爽的水域而往北迁移了许多里地的鱼类。Cod and haddock are just two of the North Sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters.

当气体枪开火,巴伦支海洋里的鳕鱼和黑鳕鱼离开了这个区域,数天内大量减少捕鱼数量。Cod and haddock in the Barents Sea have been found to flee the area when air guns start firing, drastically reducing fish catches for days.

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他们有一种异常焰目、超乎自然的美,这使它们跟灰白色的小鳕鱼和黑线鳕相比,不啻天渊之别,然而后者的名誉,却传遍了街道。They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is trumpeted in our streets.

丁丁、“白雪”和船长阿道克遇到了美洲原住民和牛仔,以及北非贝都因人,发现了埃及木乃伊,遇到了穿着方格呢短裙的苏格兰人,甚至还飞上了月球。Tintin, Snowy and Captain Haddock meet Native Americans and cowboys, Bedouin in North Africa, discover Egyptian mummies, meet Scotsmen in kilts, and even fly to the moon.

英格兰北部炸鱼薯条店最喜欢的鳕鱼和比目鱼的供应减少,也使得价格上涨,顾客减少。Dwindling stocks of the fish that the northern chippies in particular dealt in cod, haddock and plaice have sent prices up, and led ethical consumers to turn away from them.

拖捞船为了捕捉鳕和其他如鳕鱼或黑线鳕之类的底栖鱼,拖着钢铁水力挖掘机,背后还拉着深海拖网,一路走去,大面积的海床就被破坏怠尽了。Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go.

拖捞船为了捕捉鳕和其他如鳕鱼或黑线鳕之类的底栖鱼,拖着钢铁水力挖掘机,背后还拉着深海拖网,一路走去,大面积的海床就被破坏怠尽了。Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats , devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go.

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菜单上还包括了像是烟熏黑线鳕鱼和鸭子沙拉等前菜,三文鱼肉卷和全骨鸡等主菜,还有为许多务实的人士准备的汉堡。The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Orienta Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.

餐馆提供的食物也很丰富,其中开胃菜包括烟熏鳕鱼奶酪和鸭肉沙拉,主菜则有三文鱼卷和全骨童子鸡,对于更“实际”的食客们来说,还有汉堡可供选择。The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.