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就是要这样子。This is it.

我痛恨这一点。I hate this.

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这是我做的I made this.

今年春季。This Spring.

但这个方法失败了。This failed.

这很贴切。This is apt.

这是不好的。This is bad.

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为什么有这么多方式呢Why do this?

这是真事吗?Is this true?

放纵这种妒忌心?Or this envy?

这是失败的。This is fail.

这非杂金的。This is gold.

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这还算是爱?This is love?

这真是龌龊。This is ugly.

今天早上?This morning?

顿顿吃这?Does eat this?

我同意这一点。I accept this.

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我可以做到这个。I can do this.

这是空的吗?Is this empty?

就是这个家伙了。It's this guy.