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石印插图本小说风靡一时。Lithographic illustrations of novels was very popular.

石印、柯式和珂罗版印刷。For example, lithographic printing, offset and collotype.

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您是用拓印的还是手工绘画?Is it lithographic or handmade-painting that you put to use?

取代加在平版水槽液中异丙醇的化学物质。Chemicals used in lithographic dampening solution in place of isopropyl alcohol.

纳米压印技术是一种高分辨率、廉价、高效的纳米结构制备技术。Nanoimprint is a high resolution, high throughput, low cost lithographic method.

公开了可用作平版印版前体的可成像元件。Imageable elements useful as lithographic printing plate precursors are disclosed.

但是很快,他便意识到了平板印刷法的艺术发展潜力。But he soon realized the artistic possibilities of his lithographic printing method.

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有一些过渡的效果,我一开始还以为拓印的版画呢。There are some transitional effects. At the very beginning I think it is lithographic print.

当一个膜形成后,设备的特性,一般是通过光刻和蚀刻过程决定。When a film is formed, device features generally are defined by lithographic and etching processes.

平版印刷装置,器件的制造方法,由此制成的器件,和计算机程序。Lithographic apparatus, device manufacturing method, device manufactured thereby, and computer program.

在柯式印版上涂上一层阿拉伯胶或类似的胶体以防止氧化或沾染油脂。Gum up To apply gum Arabic or similar solution to a lithographic surface to protect it from oxidation and grease.

经常只有单独一张残留下来,没有印刷图像或者平版印刷品留存。Very often, only a single image is left as no duplicate of the printed photographs and lithographic prints survived.

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这对于在各种特殊材料上进行普通的平版印刷,都是一个很好的借鉴。This, to printing the ordinary lithographic plate on various kinds of special materials, it is a very good reference.

以活版铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods.

提出一种新的步进扫描投影光刻机工件台方镜不平度测量方法。A novel in-situ non-flatness measurement method of wafer stage mirrors in a step-and scan lithographic tool is presented.

提出一种步进扫描投影光刻机承片台不平度检测新技术。A novel in-situ non-flatness measurement method of wafer chuck in step-and-scan projection lithographic tool is presented.

以一般的微影及沉积方法制作快闪记忆体所需的紧密排列细孔,是件极其困难的事。Creating closely spaced holes for a flash memory would prove exceedingly difficult with ordinary lithographic and deposition methods.

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印刷工业一般区分为凸版印刷、凹版印刷、平版印刷、孔版印刷与今日之电脑数位化印刷。Printing industry includes relief printing, gravure printing, lithographic printing, porous printing, and the modem digital printing.

化学磨版用强酸或强碱溶液在平版印版的版面上腐蚀,造成幼细微粒表面。Chemical graining the lithographic plate surface is etched to produce a fine grain by the application of a strong acid or alkali solution.

石印术传入我国后的百余年间,出版了大量的石印本医籍,现存的约一千余种,其中近五百种医籍得益于石印本存世。A large number of lithographic medical books came out within about 100 years after the introduction of lithography technique from the west.