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确实是有这么一类旅游的模式。There's a subgenre of tourism.

旅游业是一种服务业。Tourism is a service industry.

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大连以其旅游业著称。Dalian is famous for its tourism.

我要参加旅交会。I want to attend the Tourism Fair.

潮州是一个优秀旅游城市。Chaozhou is a fine city for tourism.

丰宁旅游资源丰富。Fengning abundant tourism resources.

清远拥有丰富的旅游资源。Qingyuan has rich tourism resources.

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贫民窟之游在肯尼亚正处于起步阶段。Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya.

旅游业是阳朔的主要产业。Tourism is Yangshuo's main industry.

第二章旅游温冷地概念。Definition of tourism warm-cold area.

淄博是中国优秀旅游城市。Zibo is China Excellent Tourism City.

旅游业颇发达。Quite well-developed tourism industry.

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旅游业在加拿大是一大产业。Tourism is a large industry in Canada.

乡内旅游资源极为丰富。Xinpu Town has rich tourism resources.

当时老奥巴马是资深旅游官员。Now a senior tourism officer, Obama Sr.

承担红色旅游有关工作。undertaking affairs on the Red Tourism.

佐贺县是个乡下地带,很需要旅游业。Saga is a rural dump that needs tourism.

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地震区旅游业开始复兴。Tourism begins to revive in quake zones.

旅游业是永恒的朝阳产业。Tourism is an enduring sunrise industry.

当时中国的国内旅游仍处在襁褓之中。Domestic tourism was also in its infancy.