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一只海胆正舒适的藏在博内尔岛的珊瑚丛里。A sea urchin is nestled in a coral formation off Bonaire Island.

它已袭击了位于加勒比海的阿鲁巴岛。It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire.

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它已经袭击了加勒比海阿鲁巴、库腊索及博内尔群岛。It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba , Curasao and Bonaire.

橙色杯状珊瑚暗礁属在西印度群岛的博内尔岛。Orange cup coral clusters on a pier piling on Bonaire Island in the West Indies.

一只神秘的泪滴螃蟹寻找避难所在一处海绵近博内尔岛加勒比地区。A cryptic teardrop crab seeks refuge inside a sponge near Bonaire Island in the Caribbean.

鱼的学校图集。蓝条纹发出咕哝声鱼和法国的发出咕哝声鱼学校共同靠近在博内尔岛,在加勒比海域。Blue-striped grunt fish and French grunt fish school together near Bonaire Island in the Caribbean Sea.

新西兰和冰岛向渔民征收海洋使用费,莫桑比克和博奈尔向游客收取潜水费。New Zealand and Iceland charge fishers user fees and Mozambique and Bonaire charge tourists diving fees.

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宏伟的在紫色,一只有斑点的清洁工虾在水域离开博内尔岛在加勒比海努力地工作为了它的顾客。Majestic in purple, a spotted cleaner shrimp in the waters off Bonaire Island in the Caribbean works hard for its customers.

飓风菲利柯斯已升级为一场四级风暴并吹袭了位于加勒比海的阿鲁巴岛,克拉索岛和波内尔岛。Hurricane Felix has been upgraded to a category four storm. It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire.

新西兰和冰岛向渔民征收海洋使用费,莫桑比克和博奈尔向游客收取潜水费。英国,挪威和丹麦都在其水域内对近海的石油天然气生产征税。New Zealand and Iceland charge fishers user fees and Mozambique and Bonaire charge tourists diving fees. The United Kingdom, Norway and Denmark all fax offshore oil and gas production in their waters.