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捕风塔是IAA的标志。The wind towers are the insignia of the IAA.

约瑟夫菲尔普斯徽章是一种美味和红色的融合。Joseph Phelps Insignia is a delicious red blend.

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请注意阿拉伯文刻字她手机套徽章。Note the Arabic lettering on her MP sleeve insignia.

三是贝雷帽的警徽下有闪电徽号。Three are under berets have lightning insignia emblem.

此侯王的官徽是一枚金属章或印。The official insignia for the rank of Lord is a metal seal, or chop.

我还有一张是关于,洛厄尔.米尔斯的徽章的,但是我们用不到它I had a picture of the Lowell Mills insignia but you don't need that.

海军军官在他们的袖子上有像他们身分标帜的条纹。Naval officers have stripes on their sleeves as insignia of their rank.

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官兵都不佩戴任何表明军阶或所属单位的符号。Neither officer nor soldier wore any insignia showing either rank or unit.

人前边缘有一块体现地位的纹饰。On the left front edge was placed the clavus , insignia of high dignitaries.

我们要求我们的制服缝上民主克伦佛教军徽章,但是缅军拒绝。We asked for our DKBA insignia to be sewn on our uniforms, but they refused.

她的三角帽和黑斗篷成为她在公共场合的个人标志。Her tricorn hat and black cape became her personal insignia at public events.

值得注意的是涂有该师临时师徽的铁片。Of interest is the plate upon which the divisional insignia has been painted.

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欧宝将推出旅行车版本的新徽章上中型汽车。Opel will unveil the station wagon version of its new Insignia upper-medium car.

蛇杖标铸在赫耳墨斯所持权杖上的标志,用于象征医生这个职业…An insignia modeled on Hermes'staff and used as the symbol of the medical profession.

胸前的两道杠代表班长吗?还是只是一个装饰?Is the double chevron on its chest meaning insignia for Corporal, or is it just a design?

可根据不同国家加工相对应的臂章和帽徽。Manufacture corresponding armlet and insignia onthe cap according to different countries.

但宁静的心境才是衪允诺的最后赏赐,是衪爱心的最佳指标。But peace of mind-that is his final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of his love.

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“下去比往上容易,”父亲说,“况且直升机上都挂着希腊军方的徽章。”"Down is easier than up, " said Father."And the choppers do have Greek military insignia."

各家信用卡公司必须提供更多坏蛋形象卡设计,比如谢尔曼坦克或摩托党的徽章。Companies must offer more badass card designs, such as a Sherman tank or the Motörhead insignia

根系x道格拉斯库普兰体育俱乐部夹克补丁加拿大启发的符号和标志。The Roots x Douglas Coupland club jacket sports patches of Canada-inspired symbols and insignia.