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我在无锡,可以到什么地方去验呢?I am in Wuxi, you can go to postmortem?

一种牌戏死前还是死后有的?其后,没有血。Piquerism. Pre or postmortem ?Post, no blood.

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这已被证明是由许多剖尸检验。This has been shown by many postmortem examinations.

验尸判定她死于水中毒。A postmortem found she had died of water intoxication.

我感觉你剖的可能性要大一些。I feel you the possibility of postmortem to be larger.

实验动物之活体解剖及死体解剖之检查。Necropsy of animals or postmortem examination of animals.

尸检发现,她因受伤过多而死。A postmortem examination found that she died from multiple injuries.

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神经阿血管被证实在死后检查两只狗。Neural A vasorum was confirmed at postmortem examination in two dogs.

差斥的尸身终于摆在了验尸台上。Poor denounced the corpse was finally placed in the postmortem stage.

相反,后期工件通常是不透明的数据块。Postmortem artifacts, in contrast, are normally opaque blobs of data.

病史,临床症状,尸体剖检和全血铅水平。History, clinical signs, postmortem results & whole blood levels of lead.

没必要心怀怨恨,让我们把它忘掉,既往不咎。There's no point in bearing a grudge. Let us forget about it, no postmortem.

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尸检报告发现,在肾小球囊性肾病,可见肝脏包膜下囊肿和腺瘤。Postmortem reports of liver findings in GCD include subcapsular cysts and adenomas.

方法以免疫放射自显影显示SERT在脑标本的分布。Methods Immunoautoradiography was used to show SERT distribution in postmortem PD brains.

每件事情都有点扑簌迷离,整个一周徘徊在尸检和死亡的边缘。Everything’s a little precarious, between the postmortem and the tubes in and out all week.

结论为推测晚期尸体案件的死亡时间提供较准确依据。Conclusion Comparative accurate basis for determinating the later postmortem interval was offered.

试验结果表明,该方法是有效可行的,适用于对活体或非活体进行身份识别。The experiment indicated that this approach was valid for not only antemortem but also postmortem.

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科洛斯说,周一会对克努特进行验尸,以查明它的死因。A postmortem will be conducted on Monday to try pinpoint his cause of death, bear keeper Kloes said.

应用该法测定了中毒动物死后的体内分布。These procedures were applied to study the postmortem distribution of cantharidin in poisoned animals.

婴儿P所遭受的残酷虐待在验尸中显露无遗。The scale of the cruelty to which Baby P had been subjected became apparent at the postmortem examination.