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北塘凹陷具有幕式沉降的特征。Beitang Sag had a feature of episodic subsidence.

眼壁闪电和台风总闪电存在阶段性变化。The evolution of eyewall lightning and total lightning tended to be episodic.

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最重要有语义记忆与情景记忆模型。The most important models are the semantic memory and episodic memory models.

但也可引起持续或症状性高血压。Pheochromocytomas can be asymptomatic but may cause sustained or episodic hypertension.

大多数华莱士的回忆录都是情景记忆式的口述回忆片段。Much of Wallace's memoir is told in snippets of memory that take on an episodic structure.

克雷顿博士开始用西方灌丛鸟做实验,希望瞭解牠们的心理活动是否符合事件记忆的标准。Dr. Clayton began to test western scrub jays to see if they met criteria for episodic memory.

海马结构主要参与情景记忆,可能并不参与情绪加工。It is also possible that hippocampus be involved in the episodic memory, but not in emotional process.

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该测试包括一个情景记忆测试,其中病人必须正确地记住一组单词。The tests included an episodic memory test, in which the patient must correctly remember a list of words.

成藏动力学模式为应压双控、复合输导及幕式置换。Pool-forming dynamics pattern is dual control of stress and pressure, duplex passage and episodic replacement.

如同骑士一般,冒险者会经历著各段的遭遇,通常包括有财富、罗曼史或战斗。Like the knight, the adventurer roams through episodic encounters, usually involving wealth, romance, or fighting.

阵发性潮红,特别是面部持续10-30分钟的阵发性潮红,是类癌综合征特有体征。Episodic flushing, especially of the face, lasting some 10 to 30 minutes, is consistent sign of carcinoid syndrome.

这些通常在本质中表现为插曲式的,大多数情况下是未成熟的中枢神经系统的反射。These are usually episodic in nature and for the most part are a reflection of the immature central nervous system.

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莺歌海盆地由于具有流体幕式充注的特点,混有生物成因气。Some biogenetic gases exist in the natural gases of Yinggehai Basin due to the episodic injection of hydrocarbon fluids.

其真实的发生率可能被低估。一名64岁男性以阵发性癫痫和左下肢无力为表现。A 64-year-old man presented a one-year history of episodic general tonic-clonic seizure and progressive left leg weakness.

偏头痛是产生阵发性头痛的最常见原因,也是目前为止求医的最常见的神经学原因。Migraine is the most common cause of episodic headache, and by far the most common neurological cause of a doctor’s visit.

场景记忆是个人亲身经历过的,在一定时间和地点发生的事件或情景的记忆。The episodic memory is the memory of event or scene that someone has experienced personally in a certain time and location.

但炸弹爆炸事件时有发生,比如去年12月发生的一起爆炸就造成了年仅20岁的法蒂玛•穆哈森•阿齐兹四肢瘫痪。Yet episodic bomb blasts continue, such as the one last November that left 20-year-old Fatima Muhassen Aziz a quadriplegic.

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二氧化碳是通过偶然的地球火山爆发散发到金星的大气层中,但是永远不会重新固定到地壳中。Carbon dioxide is pumped into Venus’ atmosphere by episodic global volcanic outbursts, but never locked back into the crust.

近年来裂谷盆地研究的一个重要进展就是认识到了裂谷过程的多幕性。The recognition of episodic nature of rifting is considered as a major progress in research of rifted basins in recent years.

他的兴趣点在一种叫做“事件记忆”的记忆上,这种记忆与时间、地点和次数相关联。He was particularly interested in a type of memory called episodic memory, which relates to specific events, places and times.