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从一开始,英格兰人的入侵就注定了失败。The English incursion was doomed from the outset.

茶树也还长有坚硬的茎刺以避免野兽的伤害。Tea also has hard, fibrous stalks to discourage animal incursion.

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几年前,以色列最后一次入侵加沙之前我到过那里。I also went to Gaza before the last Israeli incursion a couple of years ago.

现代水虎是海水入侵亚马逊盆地的结果”。Present-day Species Of Piranha Resulted From Marine Incursion Into Amazon Basin.

它可能是牙齿病变引起的,让细菌侵入他的有机体。It could be the lesions caused by teeth that allow a situs for incursion of organisms.

土耳其扬言要侵入,铲除袭击土耳其境内的库尔德分裂分子。The Turks threaten an incursion to root out separatist Kurds who attack inside Turkey.

下沉与海水的倒灌在孟减拉国和印度西海岸的乌肚皮发生。Sinking and incursion of sea water occurred in Bangladesh and in Udupi on the west coast of India.

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俄罗斯和西方国家对于这些侵犯他们利益的天然气管道计划的反应看起来相当的虚弱。Both the Russian and Western ability to respond to this incursion on their pipeline plans looks weak.

他们的两个小女儿,因为害怕一个陌生的印度人的侵袭,已经躲到亲戚家去住了。The two younger girls, alarmed at this incursion of an Indian stranger had gone off to stay with a relative.

印欧人的迁徙是落后的游牧部落对先进的文明地区的入侵。Indian-Europeans' migration is the incursion that the backward nomadic tribes launch the advanced civilized areas.

以色列侵入加沙地区之后,加沙杰巴利亚贫民区一户人家在变为废墟的家中休息。Palestinian family rests in the rubble of its home in east Jebaliya after the Israeli incursion into Gaza on Jan. 16.

1月16日,以色列入侵加沙后,在杰巴利亚东部,一户巴勒斯坦人家在已成为废墟的“家中”休息。A Palestinian family rests in the rubble of its home in east Jebaliya after the Israeli incursion into Gaza on Jan. 16.

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伴随着以色列对加沙的地面入侵,伤亡数字也在增加,加沙在星期天夜里也受到了导弹的袭击。The increase in casualties at Shifa followed Israel's 's ground incursion into Gaza, which it launched on Saturday night.

总部设在伊拉克北部的库尔德工人党的散装。两年前,土耳其军队进入了为期一周的入侵该地区。The bulk of the PKK are based in northern Iraq. Two years ago, Turkish forces entered the region in a week-long incursion.

土耳其的大举入侵会令伊拉克进一步动荡,而且可能邀来伊朗的军事干预。A major incursion on the part of Turkey could further destabilize Iraq, and possibly invite military intervention from Iran.

在以色列入侵加沙后,一户人家在变为废墟的家中休息。Gaza Digs Out A Palestinian family rests in the rubble of its home in east Jebaliya after the Israeli incursion into Gaza on Jan. 16.

桑比说,他下令发动攻势,把昂儒昂从穆罕默德。巴卡尔领导的叛军手中解放出来。The president said he had ordered the incursion in order to liberate Anjouan from what he called the "rebellion" led by Mohamed Bacar.

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伟安,十九岁,来自拜特拉瓦的北部城镇阿塔特拉,该区受到以色列军方最近入侵加沙的猛烈攻击。Riyad, 19, is from the northern town of Beit Lahia, from Al Atatra, an area that was hit hard by the recent Israeli incursion into Gaza.

美国官员警告,库尔德爱国联盟可能对有关报道大作文章,以证明美国推翻胡申政权的计划是有理的。U. S. officials warned that the PUK has an interest in making this case because it could help justify an American incursion to topple Saddam.

该小组授权调查12月份和1月份以色列入侵加沙期间,以色列、哈马斯造成的可能的战争灾难。The team is mandated to investigate possible war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas during Israel's incursion into Gaza last December and January.