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很高兴见到你,旗鱼。It's nice to see you, sailfish.

这一天的开局真不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.

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最快的鱼是旗鱼。每小时能够行进100千米。The fastest fish is the sailfish. It can travel at 100km per hour.

最快的鱼是旗鱼。它每小时能游100千米。The fastest fish is the sailfish. It can travel at 100 km per hour.

旗鱼是海洋中最美丽、最优雅的鱼类之一。Sailfish are one of the most beautiful and graceful fish in the sea.

总之是漫长的一天,因为到得太晚,也赶不及开车前往旗鱼湾了。All in all, a long day, arriving too late to make the drive to Sailfish Bay.

旗鱼利用鱼鳍防御敌人,抬高鱼鳍以吓退可能猎杀牠们的掠食者。The sailfish uses it for defense, raising it to scare off possible predators.

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旗鱼游动的速度最快可达时速六十八英里,是世界上游得最快的鱼。The sailfish can swim up to 68 miles per hour, making it the world's fastest fish.

“说不定你是把海马妈妈看成海马爸爸了?”旗鱼也怀疑起来。"perhaps you were regard as seahorse mother seahorse daddy?"The sailfish also suspects.

鱼肉一直盘旋在其著名的风帆,在阳光下耀眼。Sailfish have been famous for their aerobatics with their sails dashing in the sunlight.

旗鱼像火箭般跃出了水面,作出一连串精彩的翻腾动作。The sailfish took off like a rocket, leaping clear of the sea in a series of majestic jumps.

我们要采购金枪鱼,松鼠鱼,马林鱼,旗鱼,蕉旗鱼海鲜。We want to buy Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Squirrel Fish, Marlin, Oilfish, Swordfish, Wahoo, Sailfish Seafood.

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其中有定期捕获石斑鱼,刺鲅,黑客鱼,梭鱼和偶尔巨大的旗鱼。Among the regular catch there are grouper, wahoo, hack fish, barracuda and an occasional huge sailfish.

当旗鱼觅食的时候,这些条纹会发亮,用来迷惑猎物的同时也让它们的同伴了解自己现在的行动。They light up when the Sailfish hunts, confusing their prey and letting their fellow hunters know what they’re doing.

墨西哥尤卡担半岛的海域中大西洋旗鱼攻击西班牙沙丁鱼。Atlantic sailfish attack Spanish sardines, off the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Second Prize Nature Single, Reinhard Dirscherl, Germany.

两国还率先实行了极为严格的海洋资源保护措施,其中包括对捕获的旗鱼和青枪鱼必须放生。And both have been pioneers of strict marine conservation practices, including catch-and-release only policies for sailfish and marlin.

第一条旗鱼是来“打酱油”的,它围着诱饵闻了几秒钟就扬长而去,我又放松下来。That first sailfish was just a window shopper. After nosing around the lures for a few seconds, the fish took off, and I relaxed again.

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我也赶紧预备好,手握飞杆和假饵,只待时机一到——旗鱼一靠近船尾10米以内时——就动手甩杆。I jumped to attention, fly rod and fly in hand, ready to cast when the moment was right -- when the sailfish came within about 10 meters of the stern of the boat.

本公司专门制造鱼丸及鱼类加工食品,我们特别精选上等旗鱼来制成鱼浆,并且经过自动化机器加工完成。Our company is specialized in fish balls and other fish processed products. We choose top quality sailfish to make fish pulp first, then processed by automatic machine.

因此,我们的多任务界面做这些事情,并且能够创建这些所有的气氛,我们对旗鱼的操作系统。So our multitasking interface does these kinds of things, and the ability to create these all with the ambience that we have on the Sailfish operating systems. SDK is out now.