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满脑大便的印度猪们。Full brain defecate India pigs.

10亿人在户外排便。Some 1 billion defecate outdoors.

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我们知道,植物不排粪。And we know plants don't defecate.

他们做的是不断地吃和大便。All they do is eat constantly and defecate.

它们不吃不喝,也不拉不尿。They do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate.

养成每日定时排便的习惯。Nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate.

应养成晨起定时大便的习惯。Should time since nurturance morning the habit of defecate.

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我把狗抱到洁具上了,可它却不排便怎么办?I hold to the ware on the dog can not defecate how to do it?

跳蚤还会在此人身上排便,因为它们就是以人血为食的。The fleas will defecate on the person as it feeds on their blood.

宝宝总是排便困难,咋回事啊?。Darling always is defecate difficulty, return a responsibility how?

少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持大便通畅。Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed.

最后,对于目前一些关于中国地产市场热点、争议问题进行了分析与解释。At last, analyses and defecate the hotspots and disputes about the real estate in China.

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猪是非常干净的动物,它们会分的很明确吃食的地方和其它的地方。Pigs are very clean animals and choose to defecate in an area separate to their feeding area.

有时宠物们会在公共场所随地大小便,这会影响环境和公共形象。Sometimes the pets might defecate in public places, which is bad for environment and public image.

保持大便通畅,维持每天1次或2天1次排便习惯,就不用担心。Maintain defecate unobstructed , maintain everyday 1 or 2 days of 1 defecate habits, need not worry.

榴莲的这种气味有开胃、促进食欲之功效,其中的膳食纤维还能促进肠蠕动。Such a sweet fruit smell, appetite for the effectiveness of dietary fibre which can promote defecate.

鸟类吃浆果获得营养,而植物通过鸟类的排便使种子得以传播。The birds get the nutritional benefits and the plants get their seedsdispersed when the birds defecate.

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一岁四个月大的孩子,大便呈灰白色,米粒状,什么原因,如何治疗。A year old of child with 4 big months, defecate shows hoar, rice is graininess , what reason, how to treat.

我不认为巴基斯坦人露天排便足够安全。甚至男人从其他男人那里也没有安全。I don't think Pakistan is safe enough to defecate in the open. Even men aren't safe from other men. Recommend.

在灌肠前嘱病人排尿排便,以降低腹压及清洁肠道。In defecate of micturition of patient of the enjoin before enema, in order to drop celiac pressing and clean bowel line.